Quick Install of Concrete Countertops! Kitchen Remodel!
04 August 2011
Hi there!
I really wanted to send you my kitchen remodel for a couple reasons:
1) We are renting and didn't want to spend a ton of money, which I think can account for a lot of people out there and...
2) We have done several remodels before but did some things different this time and wanted to share our new, fast and super cheap idea with the world.
We have done a handful of concrete countertops in the past, and wanted the same look without the two weeks of process and the steep price tag. (People think concrete is cheaper, but it is actually the same as granite because of the labor in the long run) So, my husband decided to go right over the existing countertop with Level Quick concrete. I'll tell you what, it turned out amazing, and I had instant countertops that didn't have to cure for two weeks.
Check out her awesome BIG KITCHEN REVEAL!!
So we painted the cabinets with glossy white and added some stainless hardware.
Then we did the countertops:
My husband made forms around the existing countertops. We sanded the tile so the concrete would have something to grab on to. Then he poured concrete over the top of them The concrete leveled itself out. Removed the forms, and my husband smoothed it out. Now, we have done several concrete countertops before, and have removed the old countertop and poured a whole new one. This was an experiment to pour concrete over the top of existing countertops. And I must say, it has worked out so far! There are a couple cracks, but ALL concrete cracks. Gives it character. Just wait for it to be done curing, then we put a coat of concrete sealer over the top and heres what they look like now: Super gorgeous. And it was cheap, and fast-about $200 for a new countertop!! Then we had the ugly backsplash, remember? So here it is all put together... I am thinking a rug in here too....any suggestions? New appliances- Craigslist $2500 New faucet- Ebay $100 We decided not to stain this countertop, we just left the concrete as is, and it came out with a beautiful color and finish. So there is my big reveal! Hope you enjoyed it. Keep checking in, there is a lot of adding and tweeking to be done!

WOW - so amazing! I love how they turned out, and the backsplash looks great. I think a couple of rough/organic-ish cream/oatmeal coloured striped rugs would just look great in this space. The kitchen is such a transformation...I have no idea how you "smooth out" concrete, but your husband did a fantastic job.
Wow, the counters look amazing. Great transformation.
Incredible! You took a risk, and it paid off in spades!
The transformation is fantastic! I have a question as someone who is now considering doing this over my old formica countertops. How well do you think these will wear? Will they last as long as the countertops that you've poured in the past or do you think there will be the chance of them chipping? Also, how long did you let the countertops cure before removing the molds? I truly have lusted over concrete countertops since I first saw them years ago and this is the first time that I've felt as though it's something that I can accomplish!
Brilliant idea! The new countertops, backsplash, and appliances really change the kitchen dramatically!
Wow those look great. How did you do the edges??
Wow - that looks amazing! Great job. This might be the perfect solution to our bar countertop, although that is laminate and not tile. I wonder if that would work as well or if it would crack/fall apart... any thoughts from a couple of concrete countertop pros?
UN. FREAKIN. BELIEVABLE. I am speechless. Like it even better than most granite. And $200? Jaw on the floor!
Wow....love, love, love this. I also rent, and I can do pretty much anything to the house for improvement. This would be perfect. I also would like to ask about the edges?
Gorgeous!! I saw on Renovation Realities where a couple did something very similar to this! SO pretty! And the backsplash is FAB!!
I need more info on how you did the edges too!
Lou Cinda :)
Is the backsplash peel and stick tile?
Please share more details with us, I'm dying to try this!
I am in love with this project!! Will be book marking it for the near future!
Your remodel looks fabulous!! We also rent and this has inspired me :)
Love, love, love this!!! Thanks so much for sharing! I so want to do this. Any suggestions on the how to do the molds?
Thank you al soo much for the wonderful comments!
Please check out this tutorial on the countertops, I hope it answers all your questions. Please let me know if you need any clarification on anything!
Thanks again, and thanks to REMODELAHOLIC!!
-Cassie Stocker
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