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Remodelaholic's Anonymous Meeting 17

30 April 2010

If you are featured during the week, 
please grab a "Featured On" button.

Not sure if you were featured?
scroll back through the posts.

(if you have ever been featured, please feel free to take one too!)  If you are featured, and you would like, give a shout out on your blog so we can get the word out Great!
Thanks! ...the more links the more inspiration for us all!

NOW IT'S YOUR TURN, Please join us!

By linking to the party you give Remodelaholic full permission to feature all or part of the linked post. All featured posts will be credited to the original author and linked to said post.  

Here are the party guidelines:

1. Please become a follower of the blog FIRST !!

2.Please link to something that is relevant to this blog's topics (up to 3 links per blog). For example, a remodel, before and after, recipe, craft, DIY project, show us what you are working on. Please no businesses or etsy shop links.

3.Link to the specific post, not your homepage!

4.Add my button to your blog's sidebar or the post so more people can here about the party... The more people that see the button, the more people that will see your posts and blogs!  

5. Please check out the link before you and make sure to leave a comment!  

***On that same note, I want to apologize for not being able to comment on each and every linked blog. I will look at each and every link, but I have come to the decision that in the interest of my daughter/mommy time that I can't always comment.   It takes an incredible amount of time to comment on each link and I feel the stress of it.  I am sure you will be understanding!  Know that I am looking at them, and I love that you are participating.  I know that quite a few people look through these links and click through to all of them, so I hope you will continue to link up!  Also I hope to start featuring more of your projects here on the blog, so keep linking and check back daily for the featured projects (I am mostly going to be featuring interior design/ remodeling posts FYI!)  Thanks!


Kristine at The Painted Hive April 30, 2010 at 7:10 AM  

Hi! I'm pretty new to blogging and just discovered your site yesterday! I've just linked up to your party. I'm about to post my living room makeover and would be honoured if you had time to check it out!
The Painted Hive

Heidi April 30, 2010 at 10:16 AM  

Such fun projects to check out! Thanks for hosting. I'm having a giveaway, stop by sometime.
Heidi - Heart and Home

Ann Marie Stonecypher April 30, 2010 at 12:16 PM  

This is one of my destinations every week!! Thanks for doing all this work. As a new blogger I KNOW how much work this is. It is like having another child (with out the tax deduction)! LOL

Marianne April 30, 2010 at 4:35 PM  

Hi, I just linked up for the first time. I have never been to a five step program meeting. But I now they start with introducing yourself.
Hi, I am Marianne and I am a Remodelaholic!
I don't think I am a follower, but I am definitely a subscriber.

Leanne April 30, 2010 at 5:37 PM  

This is the first time I've linked to your party. I'm going to look around your blog some more. It's looks like I'll get some great ideas. Thanks for hosting.

StressTheSeams April 30, 2010 at 8:51 PM  

Several of your parties have inspired me, so I just had to link this week! :) Thanks for the awesome blog!

Post a Comment

I love comments! Thanks for taking your time to tell me what you think! I read them all and enjoy your enthusiasm for the work shown here!

Please remember that people have worked hard on these projects. Each person's budget and goals are different, so please try to make kind, constructive comments. Remember if it isn't nice, please don't say anything at all.

Please no business links. Remodelaholic reserves the right to remove any comment that we feel is malicious, spammy or otherwise inappropriate. Thanks.

Sorry there is no longer the option for anonymous comments, unfortunately people have been abusing that option!

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