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I resolve....

03 January 2010

This has taken me three or four days to write.... finally, I am wrapping up my ideas, and getting this posted.

I mentioned in my Top Ten 2009, that I have some big plans for my blog.  Well, those include my new goals for this little blog of mine.  Sometimes, I simply don't mention my secret goals... in case of failure, or lack of desire to achieve, but I want to make myself accountable, so, I am going to share them with you. 
1. Post Daily!!  It has been a challenge to post this often, I must be honest.  But, I am loving it, and plan on continuing.  So, check back daily.

2.  I am going to have Mr. Remodelaholic Post once in a while.  I think it would be good to have a man's perspective on these projects.  Also, he has some great thoughts about tools, how to use them, how to build things, and tough stuff like that, I hope that sounds interesting.  Maybe we can do a question and answer session that he can answer over time!

3.  I am going to start having Weekly Remodelaholics Anonymous Meetings.  Not in a serious way, but in the the, show me how you did that way!   I want to see your projects.  I am going to do them every Friday, just in time for you to be inspired for the weekend.  So, please grab a button and join in the party, more to come on this. 

4.  I am going to seek out, and  ask for your project submissions.  I know there are some great, budget friendly, DIY Tutorials, and I would like to feature them.  Feel free to contact me, I promise I don't bite, and I love hearing from you all.

5.  I will host  a monthly giveaway.  Aren't giveaways the best?  I know, I actually won one once....(say that 5 times fast "won one once")

6. I am going to give the instructions on how to get the look we have worked on.  I will have posts that are full of information, not just pretty pictures.
7. I plan on beginning to do interior design consultations.  After all, I did spend 4 years of my life getting a Bachelors degree in an ASID accredited Interior Design program.   Keep an eye out, the first few will get a discounted rate!.... I may even do a consultation giveaway to kick it off.

8.  Share our own remodeling plans.  We may not be able to do it all this year, or even very fast, but we will show you the plans we have for now.  Keep in mind, they are subject to change, when I see fresh ideas every few months,  or weeks, or days...  But, I would like to explain our design thought process, share my sketches and Justin's 3d models.  We draw and build these up almost always before attempting a project.  It will be fun to see the process. There are just so many great things you can do, and only one house.  and it is fun to see how the ideas get more refined the closer we get to actually doing it, especially since we live in our remodels.
9.  Have scheduled topic posts.  I am going to try to cover a few specific topics each week.  That way you will know what to expect and make sure you come that day.  This schedule may be interrupted occasionally with Holiday inspirations weeks, but normal scheduled posts will return quickly.

10. A good variety of posts.  Mostly with regards to home and making home a more comfortable place, be it food, design or family traditions.   That said, I love a lot of things, design, cooking, crafts, travel, so I hope it will keep your interest.

What do you think?  Do you have any suggestions or requests.  I would love to hear it all!


Its So Very Cheri January 3, 2010 at 9:00 AM  

Sounds good. I plan on having Prince Charming do some posts as well. Trying to work around that school schedule.


Marsha January 3, 2010 at 6:58 PM  

Not as exciting as your New Years post from last year. I look forward to more remodeling projects. We are looking at a few of our own here.

Misty E. January 4, 2010 at 10:21 PM  

I love getting on your blog and seeing all your fun ideas! You have inspired me to do some fun projects. For me it is finding the time with my four little ones, that is complicated! Projects around here don't get done overnight! I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us this year!

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I love comments! Thanks for taking your time to tell me what you think! I read them all and enjoy your enthusiasm for the work shown here!

Please remember that people have worked hard on these projects. Each person's budget and goals are different, so please try to make kind, constructive comments. Remember if it isn't nice, please don't say anything at all.

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