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My Sweet Potato

24 November 2009

Day 6: Thanksgiving Week

What would we be without our health?  I am so thankful for a body that works properly.  I can button my own shirts, I can conduct myself to the restroom when I need, I can feed myself, I can run, jump and play.  Aren't we all blessed to be given such an incredible machine, to conduct our spirits around?  I may have hated my silly looking feet when I was a child, but now, I am thankful for how well they function.   I can walk, run, jump and even pick things up with my feet, when I am short on arms!  (how's that for talent? huh?)  In this world where our bodies are never good enough for the critic, I would like to thank my body for being so good to me.  I hope we can all see past our physical flaws and appreciate our ability to move and work! 

On to the recipe....I don't know about you but I LOVE sweet potatoes.  They are a year round staple in our home, and since they are one of the healthiest vegetables I feel good about that.  It does matter how you fix them though and I am absolutely positive that the nutritional benefit of these sweet potatoes is pretty far gone.  I just can't help myself for Thanksgiving.

This is actually a relatively new recipe at our house, a few years ago year my sister brought this version along, and while I still really love my mom's version, this is what we are making this year. 

Also, make ahead to save your Thanksgiving day from overload!  I made mine on Monday, and popped them in the freezer.  They will be the easiest thing to "get ready" (just thaw and bake) for Thursday's Thanksgiving feast!

Best Sweet Potatoes Ever!

Approx. 10 servings

3 c cooked mashed sweet potatoes (peel and boil, or bake and peel your choice!)

1/2 c granulated sugar
1/3 c milk
1/2 c butter ( I have used 1/4 c before without a problem)
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
Mix above ingredients together, I use beaters to make them really smooth, and put into a 9" x 13" pan.

In a separate bowl mix together: (this make a lot of topping it could easily be halved)
1 c brown sugar
1/3 c melted butter
1/3 flour
1 cup pecans

Sprinkle on top of sweet potatoes
Bake at 350 for 30 to 45 minutes.  Til top is crisp and yummy! 

(I don't have a final baked picture until Thanksgiving, I will try to remember to update it later!)

I couldn't really go a whole week without posting some pictures of my very own sweet potato. 
After all they grow so fast!  I have to document, and I am weeks, almost months behind!


Meredith November 24, 2009 at 9:22 AM  

Your baby is precious!!!! Can't wait to have one of my own!!! Love your blog by the way!! Just found it last week and I am really enjoying it!!! Happy Thanksgiving!

Shirleybk November 24, 2009 at 12:12 PM  

I love that sweet potato recipe and plan on serving it for the smaller Kmetzsch Thanksgiving feast Sunday for Garrett's benefit. It's one all my kids will even eat. Etta is too cute and I love seeing pictures of her!

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