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Getting antsy...

07 July 2009

Sorry for my recent lack in posts.

Justin and I had a four day weekend and we worked around the house getting random things done. He also worked his little tushy off in the back yard, getting it cleaned up after all our recent projects. It is starting to look fabulous- and now has fewer hidey holes for scary creatures! Thank heaven.

If you notice on the little count-down I only have 3 weeks left! I am just wishing she were here already! It isn't like I can do much anymore. I can only sit up for about an hour without it feeling like my ribs are exploding and on fire, which is another reason I haven't blogged, I just haven't been sitting at the computer much. I am not even that concerned about the labor- just bring it on, I want to meet this little kicker!

I will try to blog some of the things I worked on in the last week... but if I don't just think of me on a mini blog vacation, floating in our little above ground pool like a large hippo. It will not be permanent, I am just really boring right now!

Love ya all- talk soon!


Marsha July 7, 2009 at 11:34 AM  

We are super excited for you guys. Get plenty of rest just enjoy these next few weeks.

Joe and LeiAnn July 7, 2009 at 12:12 PM  

Yeah for full term!!! I know it's uncomfortable, especially these last few weeks, but every day counts. And I swear she'll come when she's ready!!

Melissa July 7, 2009 at 3:39 PM  

Thanks for the sweet comment you left on my blog!!! I am so excited for you!!!! Your so close. Definitely get TONS of rest and let everyone pamper you! I'd totally give you a pedicure if I lived closer. Did you know that my parents and sister live in Arlington? That is where I grew up. How are you liking Texas?

A Tale of Three July 8, 2009 at 11:32 AM  

aww, I've been wondering if you were going to have her while I'm out of town. I'm super excited for you guys!

Crystal July 10, 2009 at 11:04 PM  

Hey Cassity!
It's been a long time!
You are so still as adorable as ever and CONGRATS on your little one!
How exciting for you guys and you are so close to meeting your little bundle.
I am so happy for the both of you!
We have a blog too, i will send you the link!


Drake, Rachel and Olivia July 13, 2009 at 11:06 AM  

We are so excited for you! I STILL have your baby gift and I didn't realize how close you are. I will mail it TODAY and you should have it by the end if the week. Be sure to post any updates...like when you go into labor, etc. Sleep as much as you can and do the things you can't when the baby comes(like go out on the spur of the moment, go to a movie, browse a bookstore). We are so excited for you! You will LOVE being parents, it is AWESOME!

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