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Showing posts with label Organizing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Organizing. Show all posts

How to Keep Your Picture Level! A Simple Trick!

13 October 2011

How to Keep Your Picture Level! A Simple Trick!

I know I am not alone when I walk by a framed photo or artwork on the wall, stop, walk back a couple steps, fix it "just a tad" so it isn't crooked, and continue on to where I am going again...am I???

Well, I had to find a solution...and I did!! I found this great tip to be a lifesaver with my own OCD "levelness".

All you need are:

1.) Thumb tacks


2.) A hot glue gun!

After you measure and figure out where you want to hang your photo, glue on one tack in each of the bottom corners of the frame -

Hang your photo without pushing the tacks into the wall. Next, place your level above the photo -

Once it is level, push the the bottom of the frame placing the tacks into the wall. And....stand back and let those kids go crazy because those photos aren't going ANYWHERE!

Now, I can walk by the frames in my house and just keep walking. :0)

This project was contributed by one of our fabulous readers! We love to share your projects with this great blogging community. So, if you have projects from kitchen renovation ideas to small bathroom remodels, overhauled and repurposed furniture, spray paint updates you name it please send it in! Thanks for reading Remodelaholic!

Check out these other fun and colorful ideas! 


Clever Storage Ideas That I love!

01 September 2011

Clever Storage Ideas That I love!

I am writing a post about finding storage space for Tip Junkie next Wednesday so I have been thinking about storage!  Here are some great ideas and links to storage projects! 

I love these storage bins on casters.  They would look so cure under a bench in an entry way.  

I love these buckets that have been screwed to the wall too! Source Poppytalk

I love the idea of using the interior of you cabinet doors.. like this, it contains so much wasted space!

I really need to defrost my freezer... and make it look like this... Source BHG

I love the way this cleans up the space under your sink!  Genius!
Source A Thousand Words

A way to hide your cleaning supplies in the bathroom!  In usually unused space!

I love the idea of capturing the space above a window (or door!)!  It creates almost a valance of sorts and would be a great spot for decorative boxes(holding the ugly stuff!), books, plants, you name it!  

Storage on the Ceiling! from Family Handy Man

Remodelaholic is written by Cassity and Justin. Cassity has a degree in interior design and Justin is a landscape architect, so we adore everything that makes up a HOME! We love to share home remodeling ideas and projects we’re working on. From huge kitchen renovation ideas to small bathroom remodels, there isn’t anything we won’t try to tackle (at least once!). We are in the midst of our third whole home renovation, (check out house 1 and house 2 as well, so there should be a lot more inspiration coming your way. We hope that you will stop by often for home design inspiration, tutorials, interior design tips, delicious recipes and what going on in our family life.


Colorful Blue Laundry Room Makeover

28 June 2011

Colorful Blue Laundry Room Makeover
Submitted by Design Share

My laundry room used to be a bit of an embarrassment....Plain white walls, florescent overhead lighting, storage shelves that didn't fit the space and clutter, clutter, clutter! It was overwhelming to go in there to do the wash, but go in I did, because I had to. The rest of my home is pretty much decorated to the nines, so it really didn't make any sense to NOT do the laundry room. Actually, I have long yearned for this space to be inviting and looking good, it was always just so much easier to close the door and forget about it! Well, not any more. In one weekend, I banished the boring and corralled the clutter into what is now a functional, bright and cheery spot to do a chore we ALL have to do. I just love the color in there now, and it really does make a daily chore that much more pleasant.

This wire shelving unit was waaay too big in here.


Quick Clean; PR 3

12 April 2011

Well I have been doing some little projects here and there and this is just a little something that has been needing to be done.  It took about 5 minutes but was so worth it!  

At some point we plan on building a vertically organized cabinet over the fridge.  For now I have I little organizer in the cabinet beside my oven.  And as you can see, it seems that I have a lot of tray type cooking-thingamajigs that have gotten WAY out of order.  That and it all just needed a good wipe down.

Before and After:

The best part is that I have remove things without everything falling out!

I forgot to show you the little organizer that I used.  I got it at Walmart for less than $10.00 ( a few years ago in the organizing isle- with all the little drawer organizers etc.).  So if you would like to organize your cookie sheets etc.  go look out for something like this!  (no building involved!)

Maybe a boring post, but seriously, it made me a lot happier!  Also, this is doable, right?  What little tiny projects do you have to do around the house that you have been avoiding?

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