Beach Inspired End Table Redo; and Beach Pictures
22 December 2010
Alright, it's been awhile since my last post. I was away last week on vacation in Lake Michigan where I got some major inspiration! Rocks on the seashore, shabby furniture on the beach, and driftwood laying all over! It was paradise. Here are a few inspiration shots I snapped:

Yes, that is a huge log of driftwood you see! I wanted so badly to take it with me, but it would have been impossible to get home. I did pick up some other peices of driftwood though. Here are some incredibly-less-artistic shots of those:

Aren't they amazing?! Haven't decided exactly what to do with them yet, but I'm really excited to use them.
Alright, now on the the main event.
This side table has been sitting in the guest room for awhile now:
Here is the after:
I'm really pleased with how it came out. I had some troubles along the way, but it all panned out in the end!
Here is a shot of it in-process:
Originally I sanded the top, stained it walnut, and then washed over it with gray paint. It ended up having an almost pinkish finish, which I didn't like, so I stained over the wash with the walnut which made it look LOADS better, but I still wasn't happy with it. I decided that because of the shape of the piece (the bottom has a piece that's the same width as the top) a wood top threw off the balance, so I just sanded it back down and painted over it. After that I decided to wash some white paint over the whole thing, which gave the piece more interest. Then I just distressed away with my electric sander and a 320 grade sandpaper.
Don't you love this knob? I took it off a beat up, old dresser we had sitting in our basement. I think it has a very anthropologie feel to it.
The color is a bit hard to decipher from these pictures. For some reason my camera kept capturing it all different ways. It's actually a light robin's egg blue which I mixed myself using a variety of old paints.
Also, I thought I'd show off the picture frame I recently re-did which is sitting on the end table in the above pictures. Here are some close ups:
Alright, I'm finally at the end now, even though I have several other projects I could share with you. :P To quote Father Christmas from The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe "Things do pile up, when you've been gone a hundred years" (or one week, in my case) Thank you all so much for reading!
I am so impressed; this is one of my all time favorite distressed pieces. The piece was ugly before and the after is phenomenal. I agree it totally looks like anthro.
Gorgeous pictures!!! There's so much inspiration to be found by the sea! And the distressed piece very much reflects the beach! Also..., I've collected tons of great inspiration what to do with driftwood..., from just displaying it in a bucket to using it to make all kinds of things. Thought I'd give you the link to my subcategory driftwood...., click HERE.
Happy Holidays!!
BEAUTIFUL!! and so strange (but SO refreshing) to NOT see a Holiday post!! lol
Merry Christmas and BEST wishes for you in the upcoming NEW year!!
xo Lynda
I love the table...and the old books on top of the table....Can't wait to see what you do the wood =)
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