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Happy Awesome Women's Day!!!

09 May 2010

(Recipe link party next post down!)

I just wanted to wish all the women reading this blog a Happy Day!

Don't take this wrong, but I sorta hate Mother's Day, ( I adore, love and honor my own Mother she is my best girl friend) and I admit this year will be easier now that I have Etta.  But after 8 years of infertility, Mother's Day seems like a swear word, and it has a not very lovely spot in my heart.

I am one of those people who want to hide away in my house and not leave AT ALL, so that I don't have to interact with anyone or hear that awkward pause, "uh...happy uh Mother's Day"  Or the "you're a mother too".  I know these things are said with good intentions, and from people that I love, but it always hurt.

I still have my insecurities, but I have been given the gift I most long for so I am thankful to God for that.

So, now on Mother's day my heart ache for those that don't have what I have, because I know how it feels, and I just want you to know that I love you all, and hope you make it through this day. (Sorry this is sorta not interior design on a dime oriented, and yes, I am getting emotional as I type this... did you know I am a total faucet when it come to my emotions?  I am)  Moving on,

 I just wanted to wish you all a great day to celebrate the loving nurturing women in our lives, that have taught us, reached out to us and shown us love daily!

I saw this video on a friend's blog I thought it was very nice.  I am going to take the rest of this holiday off!  Enjoy the time with your family! (be back tomorrow morning, bright and early!)  I think or hope that you have all read about Nie's story if not go peruse a little, she is a wonderful example of strength and womanhood.  The video is like 8 minutes long, but way worth it.


Suzanne@Meridian Road May 9, 2010 at 9:15 AM  

thank you so much for this post. The video is so inspiring, and i truly appreciate what you wrote.

Grace @ Sense and Simplicity May 9, 2010 at 9:18 AM  

I agree with you that Mother's Day can be so difficult for some. I feel that way about Valentine's day too. We have never done that much around Mother's day so it isn't really a big deal to me. I'm so glad for you, though, that you got your heart's desire after 8 years.

Unknown May 9, 2010 at 9:32 AM  

Thanks for the story, and yes its true, I feel for the ones who don't have a little clone. My good friend just went thru a terrible time with her daughter and their first baby, they lost the baby as soon as she was born. The funeral was last Fri.
So now every Mothers Day will be Hell for them!
Prayers for All!!!!!

Life in Rehab May 9, 2010 at 11:01 AM  

Etta is so adorable!

I know I'm extremely lucky to have 3 perfect children. Every day is special to me. It's just that today, they'll actually let me zerbert their bellies because they feel guilty saying no.

Yeah, I take advantage.

Jennie May 9, 2010 at 11:06 AM  

oh, my friend. how my thoughts echo yours! this year is much different for me too... but it still is a bitter sweet feeling.

may i borrow some of your words for my blog? i have a hard time putting these tender feelings into words.

thank you for posting this video. it truly touched me! thanks for setting the example you do.

Anonymous,  May 9, 2010 at 11:14 AM  

thanks for this! today i sit at home alone, skipping church on my third year of infertility - the last two were toooo full of "happy mother's...er... mother-to-be day!" which begged too many questions: "what? is there something we should know?" "NO!" "oh, well, why not?!" ugh! not fun. so, i'm at home. sad. and waiting for this day to be over.

thanks for mentioning it. i'm really sorry that you DO understand! i wish none of us did.

Michelle Wilkes May 9, 2010 at 11:15 AM  

I can appreciate your post. I, too have struggled with infertility. My mom also hated Mothers Day- and she had 7 children! In fact, about 25 years ago,, she was asked to speak in church on Mother's Day. Her talk was called: "Why I Hate Mother's Day."
She talked about how she never felt like she measured up to the ideal, sweet, cookie baking, nearly perfect mothers always described. She said, "I finally found something I've done perfectly as a mother- I've never offered my kids a cigarette!" People still remember that 25 years later.

Tara May 9, 2010 at 8:42 PM  

Congratulations! You are this weeks Random Sponsor Pick for Marketing Mondays at Trendy Treehouse! I've added your button in our #1 Slot. Hope you had a great weekend! MM starts tonight at 10 p.m.


Anonymous,  May 10, 2010 at 8:34 AM  

Thank you for the heartfelt post. After years of fertility treatments, one pregnancy/one miscarriage, I felt you were speaking to me.

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