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Book Pages- Resurfacing; Guest Feature

08 May 2010

I have seen a lot of book crafts, the authors of said books must have mortal fear for the lives of their paper off-springs... That said, I am sure you all have a few tattered books especially after you made my book bag, Right?This project I am featuring is a fun idea, and I think could be adapted in many way for indoor accessories etc.  Tell me what you think!  Kelli from Smidgens of Piffle linked this up, here is her post:

I'm a book lover so it was hard for me to fathom ripping apart a book, until I read one that was really bad, normally it would go into the donation pile but this time I sacrificed it for creativity's sake.  I was okay with it because the book was that bad and I wanted to save other readers eyeballs from the pain mine had just gone through.

My MIL knows I like growing things so she is always bringing home gardening stuff for me.  Most of it is too fugly for use and gets donated to Goodwill (we have a give n take, Goodwill and I)  The pot I decided to use was one of these.

I think this would make a great gift for moms like me, who like to grow things and to read.  It's a quick project that ties in two loves of mine and I would be pleased as peaches to have received this from someone I love.  HINT HINT.  *cough*

Step one, gather supplies.

Supplies: sacrificial book, washed out and cleaned flower pot, Bowl, Mod Podge, and coffee.  Like I do anything around here without a cup of coffee.  Bonus points for it being in my sons hot cocoa mug.

Step two, Curse and dirty a lot of kitchen towels because you forgot to clean out the bottom of the pots drip tray and you sprayed muddy water everywhere when you pulled them apart.

Step three, rip and apply.
Steps 3a - 3d, realize you don't like the construction and start over at step one.

Step 4, smother with mod podge and let dry.

Step 5, I don't know if this is necessary or not but I sprayed it with outdoor clear enamel just to be safe since the pot will more than likely get wet.

Step 6, Reassemble pot and prepare to plant.
I used landscape fabric here instead of pot shards, sometimes I use a piece of snow blanket, sometimes rocks, sometimes I actually use shards, it depends on nothing but whim to be honest.

Step 7, plant, step back, and enjoy your once fugly, now not pot. 

This puppy is going in my entry way on the table I'm still putting together, I can't wait to show it off when it's done!

Ninja edit:  Last night this got watered with the hose so it got very wet, and held up without damage.  It also got rained on and still looks perfect, so the mod podge slash enamel combo worked for making this hold up.  YaY!

Fun!  and it would be a relatively quick project. 
Who is going to try this one?


Unknown May 10, 2010 at 10:24 PM  

How cool! I've seen some neat book page crafts, so this is a refreshing twist on the idea.

:) Laura

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