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The Stats, Month 4

06 December 2009

She has actually changed a little, she's slimmed up a bit, but she is still as tall as ever.

50's % for weight 14 lbs 4 oz
90's % for height 25 3/4"

Since I have been doing all these crafty blogs,
I have missed out on posting pictures of Etta, so I am going to do that now.
I have to show her off, what good is a baby that doesn't get shared?

She is SO much fun right now.  She is really liking to stand up, fly and sit up (with help of course).  She is starting to reach out to me when she wants me to pick her up.  She is really getting interested in things around her.  She loves to talk, talk talk!

Flying with Daddy!

Helping Mommy decorate the Christmas tree.


Jackie December 6, 2009 at 6:22 PM  

She seriously is the cutest thing ever!! I love her hair. I am a bit jealous. You probably can already do pig tails.=) So fun.

Sharla December 6, 2009 at 10:16 PM  

So cute! I just love that stage. They just get cuter and busier from here on out :)

Carol at WRESA December 8, 2009 at 11:01 AM  

She is so beautiful! You guys need to come for a visit so we can all catch up! Love ya!

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