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06 November 2009

These pictures are from this website,
he calls them "DeMotivators"  I think they are pretty funny.

Speaking of books, some of you may know what that subject line means, some may not.  Let me clear it up for you.  It is short for National Novel Writing Month.  I am trying, but lacking purpose, or a crazy person with a whip behind my back driving me on.  I have about 6,000 word written toward the goal of 50,000 words.  Yikes, that is a lot.  I have been waking up at 7:00 am the crack of dawn to work, but it is the 6th and I  have only  done 3 early mornings.  Today, I have just been surfing, and therefore wasting valuable baby sleeping time. 

Who else want to write a book?  Join in this year on NaNoWriMo with me.  Let me know (by leaving a comment) if you do, motivation of friends helps.  If you just start writing you will be surprised at how the ideas just kind of type their way onto the page.  It seems that act of writing spurs that on.  Now, getting yourself to actually write them, that is another story in itself!  We will see if I can get myself to do it! 

This post I guess is about accountability. 

Will I be accountable for my goal at the end of the month? 

Yes, yes I will.  (those are fighting words, I better get going!)

p.s.  Kim, if you haven't started writing you book yet, start with me this month!

Here are some more demotivators for fun, check out his website if you want to (link above).


CourtneyB November 6, 2009 at 9:14 AM  

I'm not doing NaNoWriMo, but I'm sending those demotivational posters to my niece who is - she'll love them! Good luck - I think it's a wonderful thing to do! (:

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