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17 November 2009

Well, I think y'all know I like projects.  Did you know that I really like them?  I do, I do... It's true, so true.  No more rhymes I mean it!  (Anybody want a peanut?)

Well, for us crazy crafters, we need a space to work in, that can be closed amid the chaos of creation.  Luckily, for us we have an extra room that has become our crafting/sewing/exercise room.  I guess, it is our "basically anything I wanted to be able to lock away from young child invaders" room. 

More than that, I wanted to use what stuff I have.  I was so tired of buying more and not using what I have.  I decided I needed to see what I have in order to use it.  Then one day, I was flipping through a Scrap booking magazine, (sorry can't remember the month) and they had a great article about crafters spaces.  And it got my mind reeling with excitement.  And the organizing began.

I am not done.... STORY OF MY (design) LIFE.  But, I want to show you my very own crafting "store", in my very own house. 

We reused some old base boards for the frame, and the pegboard was only about 15.00.  I used the last of some paint from my old house and extra pegs from Justin's garage supply.  All together the project was $15.00, not bad.

What do you think?  (I am already excited about the new plans hatching in my head for our next house....) 

It is such a luxury to have this space, and I should be thankful, we are truly blessed!  Here is the sketch of the plan, and some of the other elements to come!

Before:  (tonight the part of Vanna White will be played by Justin!)

The only trick to this, if you want to do something like it,
 *REMEMBER* to put spacers under the peg board. 
We have a 1x2 around the outside edge, of the sheet and one or two in the middle. 
(under the peg board, so you can put the hooks in!!). 
Then we hung the peg board to the 1 x 2's, finally the frame was nailed on top.
 (you could put it together in the garage and then install it too!)

The creative junk treasures....

Beginning to hang it up!

We'll show you more as we finish. 
For now, I am totally happy with the way it has turned out! 
And I have been using what I have! Yeah!

You like?


Heidi November 17, 2009 at 8:56 AM  

Funny that someone already commented on what I was thinking! I LOVE your sketches!! It's so awesome how you sketch it all out before you start!

Anonymous,  November 17, 2009 at 11:56 AM  

LOVE IT!! I have been wanting to do this for a long time with all kind of junk/treasures. You are so awesome!! Love you!!

The Arrrrrgalls November 17, 2009 at 1:44 PM  

Ok my fellow crafter, creator, designer... Seeing your blog reminded me of the best magazine EVER. It's call "Where Women Create". It is the most beautiful magazine, that takes photographs of women's area's of creation. It has inspired me in soooo many ways. It tells each person's story, what they create, how they got started, what their muse's are, and their favorite quotes. It's a little pricey, but it only comes out every three months. Check it out, and let me know what you think!!

Shirleybk November 17, 2009 at 2:37 PM  

That is awesome! It almost makes me wish I were so crafty myself. I'm trying to think how I could make this same idea work for something more my speed like for the kids toys or school work. Anyway, I love it!

andrea wardle November 18, 2009 at 12:00 AM  

Love it! You may steal. I picked up the Mormon Message from Youtube. You can find the video there and embed it. Super easy ricey cheesy.

Chris Kauffman November 18, 2009 at 6:43 AM  

Looks great , I did something so similar , A frame table legs and all , my framed peg board is for my tools


Carrie November 18, 2009 at 7:08 AM  

I love it! If I pay you will you come to my house and we can work on projects all day for like a week?! I need to get more motivated! You rock as usual! :)

Amy November 18, 2009 at 1:33 PM  

I'm in love. Now I'm thinking about what I could do with a crafter's space...the possibilities!

[Because my current space needs a lot of help.]

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