14 September 2011

Repurposing an Old Shutter Into a Bathroom Counter

Repurposing an Old Shutter Into a Bathroom Counter

Thanks so much to everyone who shares in my excitement about my new (old) counters! I really really love doing this project. It is so fun to see something transform from a worn out piece of wood...to a stylin new vanity top! Here is a little background to get you up to speed...
I recently painted the cabinets...(see this post) and the counters were looking a bit blahhhhh. So I found some really cool shutters for the counter..(see this post)....and I am going to keep the same faucets and just purchase a new drop in sink.
I will continue to post about this project for the next few weeks...I will show you how I changed out the plumbing...took off the old vanity top...cleaned up the faucets....and put it all back together! But for now...lets just look at all the pretty pictures :) That's what we all love the best right?!?!

We bought this sink at Home Depot (white drop in sink) for $29...This was my first plumbing project...all alone...just me and the sink. I only made up 3 curse words in the process...I joke I joke....sort of....

 I love that this was the color of the wood when I picked it out. We love how it has some blues and greens and it is worn at bit. Not everything matchy-matchy....but still has the same tone and vibe :)  All the wood needed was a little clean up and a bit of sanding and poly...see this post for more info on that...

So much character....


And After.....
So in love :)
More post to come on how I accomplished all this :)

This project was contributed by one of our fabulous readers! We love to share your projects with this great blogging community. So, if you have projects from kitchen renovation ideas to small bathroom remodels, overhauled and repurposed furniture, spray paint updates you name it please send it in! Thanks for reading Remodelaholic!

Other awesome repurposing projects and beautiful bathrooms!


  1. That is such a great idea!!! What a transformation!

  2. Wow, what a fun idea. I never would have thought of this. Looks perfect!

  3. So beautiful! Love that the shutter makes a border to keep clutter from migrating (never an issue at my house... lol!!) Great transformation! Love the colors, too!


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