01 August 2011

I am a Pin-head! The Pinhead Project

I told you the other day I would explain a little idea I had and here it goes.  

I have been on Pinterest a little too much, I pretty much have like 8,000 pins or something.  And that means that I need to start using these ideas, and not just be a hoarder.  I thought, "Wouldn't it be fun to do a project a day for a month..." then I got realistic... and thought "Once a week..." and then I woke up from that dream and realized, "Once a month... and it was just right!"

Okay, so here is the deal, I am going to try to do one project a month from my Pinterest boards.  Because I know myself and my hectic life, I am not excluding testing a recipe, or even dressing up, meaning no paint clothes (maybe if I had to show you pictures of the junk in my trunk, all decked out to the nines I would be more motivated to get back on track)  But seriously I will probably want to keep it more along the lines of what this blog is all about.  BUT each month on the first Monday I will be having a special Pin-head Project Party say that 5 times fast! I am hoping you will join in... (we are going to be shaking things up around here for the next little while, I am feeling bored!- not that I have nothing to do, but that I need some fresh goals )

So next month come show us what projects you've been inspired by on Pinterest.  I'll get you more info as the date gets sooner, for now, pick a project, and get working so you can post about it!

For now, I think I will show you some beautiful kitchens that I have found on Pinterest, since it is unofficially kitchen remodel week at Remodelaholic!


  1. I've spotted photos from my blog all over pinterest, but so far I haven't been extended an invitation to join. Getting a bit frustrated waiting (patience is not my strong suite).

  2. What a great idea! I sometimes too feel like I am hoarding all these ideas on Pinterest. Now I can get my butt into gear and actually DO them!

  3. YES! What a great idea! I'm definitely on board! LOVING Pinterest :)

  4. This is great! I'm definitely a pinhead too!(afabulesshome)I already have 1one pinterest project done (blogging about it this week) and I have the materials for two more in the works! I'll definitely be linking up. Great idea!

  5. LOVE, love, love the turquoise kitchen island with the yellow accents. SO pretty!

  6. LOVE this idea - can't wait to participate!

  7. Love the idea!!! :) I'm in. I was just thinking the other night that I have a lot of things that I pinned b/c I wanted to do them and nothings getting done!!! This should get me motivated!!

  8. I'm totally addicted to pinterest. I was thinking about trying to find you to follow you. So glad you posted this. I laughed when you called yourself a pinterest hoarder! Too funny :) I can't wait to see your finished project.

  9. I think this is a great idea! I will definitely be taking place in the challenge, I've actually already started even thought I didn't know about the challenge! :)


  10. Sounds great!! This would give me the much needed kick to stop pinning and start creating.


  11. Oooooh, fun! Now I just have to pick which project to do :)

  12. This is a great idea. Maybe I can get some small pinterest projects done. I'm going to ask for some things done, in my room, for my 50th birthday (which is Oct 30th). I have one project that I posted on pinterest that I'll make as a goal. :)

    With the little ones and everything I can't believe you are bored, but I understand about wanting shake things up a bit.

  13. Ah, this is going to be a fun challenge! I completed a quick project last night that I can't wait to share next week!



I love comments! Thanks for taking your time to tell me what you think! I read them all and enjoy your enthusiasm for the work shown here!

Please remember that people have worked hard on these projects. Each person's budget and goals are different, so please try to make kind, constructive comments. Remember if it isn't nice, please don't say anything at all.

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