27 September 2011

My Living Room, Finished or Not!

I have noticed quite a few bloggers going through their goals from last year and checking them off, and it sorta makes me want to cringe.  Because, I am afraid to look at my goals.  I wrote them while I was nesting.  The world was my oyster, I was no longer dealing with morning sickness and I didn't yet have that second baby to work around.  I am realizing (hindsite is 20/20) that I am lucky to be alive and still blogging as often as I do with two babies under 2 for most of this last year - so goals-shmoals!

The most frustrating part, is that I haven't shown you so much of what we have done.  I just haven't had that much time to blog about my projects.   To add insult to injury, I also have this save if for a rainy day mentality, and then projects never get shared.  OR I get to a livable point in a project and get so TIRED of working on it that I stop... and it sits undone for 2 years - and I really don't notice until I photograph. Then, when I start editing the images, I don't feel like I can show you.  BUT I have to get over it.

So here, my living room... today while the girls were napping!  (which is why it looks clean)

I am not a professional _____whatever this job is______(fill in the blank).

  I am just a mom, and wife trying to juggle everything... (which is impossible by the way!  But I am usually one of the only ones that sees all the dishes piling up!)

When it comes to sharing my projects, what else is stopping me, besides lack of time?  I don't have new furniture, I haven't finished fixing the furniture I plan on updating, and we have a budget (well really that isn't true, we don't have any more allotted funds for this project at the moment)... and I have toys, spit up and cat hair on my couches, and a HUGE pile of clothes in the laundry room... and that is my life.

This is what I know about myself:
I am a perfectionist...
I am (often) a procrastinator....
I have a short attention span...
I can be a little too laid back about finishing projects on a schedule.
I have 2 beautiful girls, a great husband, a black cat... and my yard really needs to be mowed!  So many other things to do.
I also run this blog, and have an email in perpetual stuffed-ness mode, feels a bit like drowning in email (sometimes I feel like "Uncle Vernon-ing" my little tail to an remote island to get away from all the mail)!

(BTW - I am not trying to complain, I am just on a little journey of discovery... and trying to get over my own personal imperfections and quirks!)

I am constantly fighting the feeling of not having it good enough, or changing my mind mid project so I don't show you what I am up to.  But today, I am showing you my living room, I took the pictures this afternoon.  There are moldings missing, paint is missing, holes to be patched or sanded, my art is push pinned to the wall... and not in a "I'm too cool to care way", but in a "Wouldn't it be nice to have something on my wall, since I bought this... oh well what the heck way..."  and there are a lot of things that are unfinished... but here it is.

If you wanna see the whole transition here is a picture when we walked through, and some links of the past posts Part 1Part 2Part 3, Part 4Rugs, and Sofas.


 Currently, not quite after:
* I ended up buying a sofa on Craig's List for $30 bucks.  I got a slip cover I got from Uglysofa.com, they have great prices, and are hosting a giveaway here next week!!! So come back!  

I do plan on recovering the sofa (or replacing it), but for now this is SO much better than it was!




Currently (obviously we still haven't touched the kitchen):

Not sure if I have before shots from this angle, so here are a few extras:

And yes, this is a space with children, so I have a toy "box".  One of those picnic baskets... I may paint it.  But I had to show off some of the cute toys I made for the girls... and never showed you all.  (the monkey, cat and girl doll... the monkey's ears are not finished...sound familiar?)

Okay, so there.  It is out there, missing moldings, no art up, unpainted chair, and free of all the cool things that 2 years old pull off of table tops.  I have a few things to do, but I am happy to have gotten this project off my chest.

p.s.  One of the reason's the art is not done is because I plan on building a faux fireplace mantel.  But I just have to say, do you notice how the painting and the rug are like a perfect color match... a happy accident!  I am so glad about it.  Both were considered for the proper color scheme, but I didn't know they would be meant for each other!


If you like this project would you consider sharing it via pin, stumble, facebook or twitter? 
 I would be so thankful!  Thanks for reading all my personal drama!

Remodelaholic is written by Cassity and Justin. Cassity has a degree in interior design and Justin is a landscape architect, so we adore everything that makes up a HOME! We love to share home remodeling ideas and projects we’re working on. From huge kitchen renovation ideas to small bathroom remodels, there isn’t anything we won’t try to tackle (at least once!). We are in the midst of our third whole home renovation, (check out house 1 and house 2 as well, so there should be a lot more inspiration coming your way. We hope that you will stop by often for home design inspiration, tutorials, interior design tips, delicious recipes and what going on in our family life.


  1. cassity, it looks amazing!!! i love the soft colors! and that basket of adorable toys is the perfect touch that says "a family lives here". and i LOVE that wooden sideboard type piece. it's gorgeous. what a beautiful job you have done.

  2. Girl you are insanely hard on yourself! I don't know a person alive who would believe the before and afters are the same house. We are the same way with leaving a few details behind as soon as a space is livable, but how many people do you know that even attempt it?? That's what my many girlfriends who do no home improvement often remind me. Your home and your beautiful girls are a reflection of you and they are all stunning!

  3. I think it all looks amazing!!!! I agree, you are too hard on yourself!! Enjoy you kids and your beautiful home!! I don't think you need new furniture, it looks fabulous!! That rug and all of your pillows are awesome!! Great job! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Im a LONG time follower but I rarely comment....I had to jump over today. Sweetie, this room is gorgeous. STUNNING!! You have done such an amazing job of transforming your house with two little ones to look after :) You should be incredibly proud of your accomplishments!!

  5. Wow!! Your home is gorgeous. Congratulations to you and your husband. Your hard work and creativity are enviable!! Love the blog... I look forward to it everyday:):)!

  6. I absolutely love your space, you guys did an amazing job with everything, I love the rug!

  7. I think that it looks AMAZING! I'm gonna have to go back through and look for some tutorials! :) And I go SOOO relate to you and your life. Sounds alot like me. I've got so many projects going on at one time. Drives my husband CRAZY! But I hit a snag so I put it aside and start something else until I figure out what to do with it. **sigh**

  8. WOW!!!! trim!!! how i have missed seeing big, chunky moldings!
    seriously...it's hard to believe that that is the SAME room. you have completely transformed it. the bookcases in the corner by the kitchen, and the built-ins in the living room are GENIUS! love! and that rug is such a happy and colorful way to adorn those gorgeous hardwood floors. WOW!!
    and hey, thanks for the reminder that we are all human. i think it is so easy to think that everyone else's house is always clean, they are always on top of their laundry, and they go through life singing, and dancing while little chipmunks and birds flutter about them....
    your room looks amazing. so glad you shared!

  9. Where did you get that ottoman? That is exactly what I'm looking for and have yet to find it anywhere. Thanks!

  10. I am absolutely amazed at how much more open and how much bigger that room looks with all of that gorgeous moulding! What an amazing transformation :)

  11. It looks amazing! You added so much architecture and interest to what was a blah space. I love the colors. The room feels bright and fresh. Well done. I started my blog this summer 2 months after my second child (have 2 y.o. too) so I totally feel you on that. I guess I forgot how consuming new babies are.

  12. Oh and by the way...you are just like the rest of us. Well the toys, spit up, cat hair and laundry part. LOL!

  13. It looks great. And I LOVE that rug! I was going to ask where you got that....ha!

  14. I just entered the giveaway. The first thing that stood out to me was the area rug. We have been looking for the perfect rug for our living room and I just love this rug, so cool that there is a giveaway going on. I hope I win.

  15. Your living room looks fabulous! Funny thing about the rug.... in the first picture with it, my first thought was "I've gotta ask her where she got that rug!" HA! Now I'll just try to win one :)

  16. I think that your living room is beautiful! Love the color scheme. I actually have the same exact colors in my living room, so I am a little biased, but I think the room looks great!

  17. I absolutely LOVE your living room. If this space was mine I wouldn't worry about any small imperfections (I can't even see them). I would be so proud of this space. It is amazing to see how you took a builders grade home and customized it. We've been poking the idea of moving and looking at homes I get so tired of how in the end they are all the same. Great job at customizing your space.

  18. This is beautiful! Finished or not. I think we all feel the same way, because I can totally relate to not wanting to share until you are finished. But then no one really realizes how much work was involved in getting to 'finished'! Plus nothing is ever really finished anyway right? Thanks for sharing. I really love all the detail you guys have brought into the room with moldings, built-ins and everything else. Just beautiful and inspiring.

  19. I LOVE all the detail you guys added. It really makes a world of difference! I can hardly believe it's the same space. Looks great--thanks for sharing:)

  20. It's looking good Cassity! I think in American we want everything perfect the moment we have a house or whatever....life is a process so should our house be.....right? (plus who has the $ to do that, unless it's on CC and that is a trap in itself anyway!) BTW, yes I noticed the rug - NICE!!!! I do want one :-)

  21. I LOVE your room. It's night and day better than before!

    I also love the speed at which you diy. I often feel like a super slowpoke when I read other people's blogs - you know, the ones with amazing projects finished every other week. One awesome room a year is much more my speed!

  22. Is any room ever finished? Looks great :) Glad you posted it.

  23. Wow what a beautiful transformation, I love all the molding work.

  24. Love all the character you've added! Crown moldings, board & batten, pillars, arches.. Can you please come to my house?? Looks so great! Good job.

  25. SO pretty! It looks so light and fresh. What a great space for the fam. I'm maybe just a tiny itsy bit jealous. ;)


  26. What a transformation Cassity. The mouldings alone are just gorgeous and make a HUGE difference. Beautiful space... I never would have thought it was the same house from the before pictures.

    ~Jenna, SAS Interiors

  27. Wowza! Everything is beautiful, but the front door alone transforms the entire space with the amount of light it lets in. Gorgeous!

  28. so beautiful! your moldings are to die for. and the arches - so jealous! i also love that ottoman - it's exactly what i was envisioning for my next coffee table. please share where you got it!

  29. You have come a long way and it looks amazing. Don't worry nobody finishes everything, think how bored we would be if we did !

  30. Welcome to real life! All of our homes are like this - don't be so hard on yourself! Your room looks lovely and your rug really makes the room xo

  31. I think it looks amazing! I hope my living room looks even half that nice when they're finished building our house!

  32. I'm kind of drooling over your arch-thingy in between the rooms. We *tried* to do that in our previous house, and the contractor we hired did such a poor job that it started pulling away from the ceiling, cracking and every other nightmarish thing you can imagine. Please, please share with me how you did this so I don't have arch-phobia forever and can get the courage to try it again.

  33. Love the rug... it would be perfect in my family room! I love even more that you showed us how very human you are! There's hope for us yet! :)
    Heidi @ Show Some Decor

  34. hehe it really does look QUITE fab love :)

  35. Yes, I LOVE the rug!!! But seriously, your living room is beautiful. I wouldn't have noticed any of the "unfinished" things if you hadn't pointed them out. Just know that it isn't as bad as you think it is. ;-)

  36. I hate to say this, but I'm glad you feel like most of us...that things aren't good enough to share. I love the sofa cover and I'm going to check out their site before their giveaway. It is absolutely amazing how much you get done having 2 babies. wow! When I was nesting I was bedridden the last 2 months and of course after the baby nothing could get done. Thanks for sharing your progress. ):

  37. I feel the same way. Sometimes, you just have to remember how far you've come to motivated yourself to keep going. Keep up the awesome work!

  38. Holy mother of... am I allowed to cuss on your blog?! lol.

    Your house is freaking fantastic. I'm seriously speechless. I've seen bits of the house, but never full shots like this and I'm dying. It is beautiful.

    How long have you been working on this? When did you start? I'm curious to know how long it's taken you to create all this fabulousness.


    Allison @ House of Hepworths

  39. Fabulous!

    Your house & designs are SO inspiring!

    Now I just need to find me a Mr. who will make my designs come to life! LOL!

    Andrea | HomageStyle.com

  40. I love how much more expensive it makes the home seem to add all those mouldings! I will be taking on a similar project soon using my reverse wainscotting router bit (which gives the illusion of jointed panels). I got a router and table in the classifieds for $35, my Daddy (a custom cabinet maker) got it all set up for me and now- I have no budget to do anything about it. Sigh. I feel your budget pain!

    Oh- and I'm also an LA with a sad-arse weedy yard right now. Double pain.

  41. AMAZING!! Seriously, just amazing. The amount of work, no matter how long it took, that went into that room is simply incredible. The rug is perfect and gorgeous. You should be beyond proud of yourself!

    And if I may throw some un-asked-for advice your way: don't think you have to do it all. Sometimes it's worth it to toss a bit of money at the problem so you can retain your sanity, do what you'd rather do (be with your children & husband!!), and maintain a nice abode. As in, hire a neighbor's kid to do the lawn, hire someone to clean the house (even if they just do the bathrooms & kitchen). My sister just started having her place cleaned just 1x/month, and it's given her so much more time for the little one! Worth $60.

  42. I'm reading, reading, reading... what about the rug? Is she going to tell me where she got that gorgeous rug! I'm having mega rug envy... then I come to the end! What?! A rug giveaway?? You just made my night! From one crazy tired mom blogger of 4 to another... you did a great job! Beautiful!

  43. Your room is so beautiful and charming! I love the rug, the ottoman and the large chest next to the kitchen. It is all put together perfectly. Of course, the moulding and board and batten are to die for too!

  44. Your home is beautiful and shows all the hard work you & your husband put into it. I so envy all the light you have and the lovely molding. My home has low ceilings and is rather dark. Thanks for sharing the fact that you are only human & just one person trying to fill several different shoes its refreshing and certainly something I can relate to.

  45. I am drooling over all of the wood work. It's beautiful!

  46. Wow, I was just saying to my husband how much I would absolutely love to finish our living room moulding project, but I am having a hard time moving beyond just the stuff that has to happen today, like sweeping up goldfish crackers, changing diapers, picking up kids from school, etc. What I think is even more beautiful than your 'columns', is the fact that you are choosing your family over a finished project.

    I have a new baby too, and 5 more that need me almost every second I'm awake. Maybe with my extra 3.5 minutes of me time I'll pull out my caulking gun today I'm feeling inspired by the beauty of your room, in all it's unfinished glory.

  47. Oh Cassity, it looks beautiful! You get a lot more done than me and my kids are grown. You should be so proud of your progress, it is such a beautiful home that you guys are creating for your little ones.


I love comments! Thanks for taking your time to tell me what you think! I read them all and enjoy your enthusiasm for the work shown here!

Please remember that people have worked hard on these projects. Each person's budget and goals are different, so please try to make kind, constructive comments. Remember if it isn't nice, please don't say anything at all.

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