31 July 2011

Whole Wheat Cinnamon Roll Pancakes & Recipe Link Party

First of all a little warning.  As long as I get all my ducks in a row, next week we will be moving the recipe swap party to Tuesdays!  Mark your calendars... (I am sure you are all just SO excited ;)

Okay, so for today's recipe I am going to lay off the zucchini.  Maybe just for one week.  I have to show you a recipe I found on pinterest.  I could pin beautiful looking recipes all day and this one does not disappoint on the beauty factor but it is also SO delicious and naughty that the first time I saw it, thank heaven the kids were in bed I printed it out and made it immediately.

I think this would be a really fun Christmas morning tradition, since making real cinnamon rolls takes up so much time. So are you ready... wait for it

Cinnamon Roll Pancakes!  Found on the Recipe Girl Website, see the link for her original recipe and here is one of her pictures.

Okay, so if you know me, at all, you know that I love desserts, but I cannot just eat them without fooling with the recipe.  This does not mean that her recipe isn't probably superior in awesomeness, but mine usually have some fiber, and a little less sugar or fat.   

Whole Wheat Cinnamon Roll Pancakes:

Pancakes (this is my go to pancake recipe from my sister)
1 cup whole wheat flour
3 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp salt
1/4 cup sugar (I would omit this for this specific recipe!!  Because of filling)
1 cup milk
1 egg
2 Tbsp oil (or I often use 1/4 cup applesauce)
1 tsp vanilla

Prepare pancake batter by adding all ingredients to a bowl and mixing together till combined.

Cinnamon Swirl:
( i have tried this just with hot water too! no butter)
1 Tbsp butter, melted
1-2 Tbsp Hot water
3/4 cup brown sugar, packed
1 Tablespoon ground cinnamon
Prepare the cinnamon swirl: In a medium bowl, mix butter, water(not too much go slow with this), brown sugar and cinnamon. Pour mixture into a small zip baggie and set aside. You don't want this to be super-liquidy.  It's best if you pour the batter onto your skillet, wait a minute or so and then swirl the cinnamon onto the batter. That will give it a chance to set a little before you add the swirl.  If you don't do this it all sorta melts everywhere, don't ask me how I know this.  

Cream Cheese Glaze:
4 Tablespoons butter
2 ounces cream cheese
3/4 cup powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

 Prepare the glaze: In a medium, microwave-safe bowl- heat butter and cream cheese until melted. Whisk together until smooth; whisk in powdered sugar and vanilla extract; set aside.

To make the pancakes: 
Heat large skillet over medium-low heat. Spray with nonstick spray. Scoop about 3/4 cup batter onto the skillet, let it cook for a 30 seconds or so. Snip a very small hole into the corner of your baggie of filling and squeeze a spiral of the filling onto the top of the pancake.  (see her blog for pictures- it will help you understand how it should look) 

When bubbles begin to appear on the surface, flip carefully with a thin spatula, and cook until browned on the underside, 1 to 2 minutes more. Transfer to a baking sheet or platter  Serve immediately (or keep them warm in an oven)  Drizzle with glaze when serving!
You absolutely don't need any syrup... don't try it unless you want a sugar comma!

Party Rules:
Please grab a button for your linked blog post 
Please become a public follower of Remodelaholic!


** ALSO - I would be really thankful if when you try a recipe, you’d please link to my post for the recipe.  That way people can find and join our party, and we will all benefit from some extra traffic love!   If the recipe is a guest feature, please link to the original author's blog post that is hyper linked at the top of the page!

Thank you!


  1. I love cinnamon rolls, and these look like a great way to get that cinnamon roll flavor in an easier delivery. Thanks for sharing and for hosting this party each week.

  2. Yum yum yum yum yum! We are pancake fanatics, so these look like a must try! Thanks again for hosting!

  3. oK, that looks sooooo good! Good thing my diet starts tomorrow :-)

  4. I tried these are they are FANTASTIC!!! Thanks for sharing!


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