28 July 2011

One Hot Bottom, uh I mean Hutch!

I know, I know, a very naughty title.  Forgive me, but I really am talking about the base of this hutch.

Check out the 1st and 2nd post about this piece if you have the chance!

Originally the hutch base had three doors.  The thing that bothered me the most about the original look is that the spacing didn't match the top doors.  Function wise, the middle section didn't move, it was nailed in place and only the two outside doors worked.  AND the doors were literally 2 inches thick, so the space inside was limited and I hate wasted space, I want this hutch to store stuff so I needed more space.

When coming to a look we liked design wise, we tried to copy as many details from the top that we could.  That doesn't mean that all the details were the best, but that the two pieces needed to work together so we took our cues from above (ha ha).

We started by adding a face frame to the sides.  Because the original doors were the front face frame and we wanted to make the new piece a little deeper, so technically the original frame sits back a few inches.  One detail we added to make it look a little more classy are the side panels. We made the sides to match the existing upper doors, and the new base doors. 

For the bead detail, we found a molding that worked and ripped it down on the table saw to the proper width, and applied it on instead of using the router.  At this point we also made the feet an inch or two longer than the original base cuz I mentioned earlier that we wanted it a little taller.

Justin then made a basic face frame and nailed it in place to the front.  It overlapped the side panel about an 1/8 of an inch, similar to the existing top.

I wanted the doors to match the glass doors, so he made those to look as close as he could.   But, one thing we did have to change a bit were the door dimentions.  Because we added the face frame it would have made the two side doors really small, so we had to tweek it a bit (along with the drawer section) but we think it turned out okay, see if you notice)

Lastly, when I was looking for inspiration on how I wanted my hutch to look once updated, I saw a lot of molding wrapped bases.  So, we went for that look, and it has teh added benefit of keeping little baby things, cat toys and junk from falling under the furniture.

Before paint this is what the piece looked like.  (so much better than before... you should really scroll up there and check it out)

Now on to putting humpty-dumpty back together again...  Here are all the pieces coming together.  You can see in this picture that the stencil is really subtle.  I am liking this....

I decided that I didn't want to have to spray paint the inside shelves outside and I was going to ignore them completely, but it took a while to finish and install the doors, so one day I just sat down and painted the interior.  I am glad I did.

Trying on the doors for size...

Then off again to paint... now for the fun stuff dishes.  I realize for some people's taste I may have too much stuff in there, but I am really happy with it, and it changes occasionally, but not too often, and not too much.  This really is about function for me cuz I totally have a dish fetish so I need storage.

Quick reminder of the old:

And FINALLY with the doors back in place and painted!  Now all we need to finish are the drawers.

Hey everyone!  Hope you can't see the dirty dishes I am neglecting in the reflection of this bowl!

Here just so you feel satisfied, I photoshopped (not so expertly) some drawer fronts on there. 

What do you think about our project?
It only took me about 10 months to blog about it...

Remodelaholic is written by Cassity and Justin. Cassity has a degree in interior design and Justin is a landscape architect, so we adore everything that makes up a HOME! We love to share home remodeling ideas and projects we’re working on. From huge kitchen renovation ideas to small bathroom remodels, there isn’t anything we won’t try to tackle (at least once!). We are in the midst of our third whole home renovation, (check out house 1 and house 2 as well, so there should be a lot more inspiration coming your way. We hope that you will stop by often for home design inspiration, tutorials, interior design tips, delicious recipes and what going on in our family life.


  1. Now that's a transformation!!! Love it! I even like it without the drawers. Some baskets would look really good in the spaces too. Either way the finished product will be beautiful! By the way, I tried really hard and couldn't see any dirty dishes :)

  2. I love it! I think it looks amazing! I love the styling of the dishes inside..just PERFECT!!! What a beautiful piece for your home! Angie xo

  3. I think this is amazing! You guys rock!

  4. You two did a PHENOMENAL job on that hutch!! It's beautiful, Cassity! I love the base~so much better than the original. The stenciled back is gorgeous, too. Well done!

  5. I love what you did to the hutch but more than that I like the stuff in there. Pinning a picture of your collection so that I can go around and collect stuff similar to yours :)


  6. Wow, it's gorgeous! It looks like it was worth all the work! Great job.

  7. Wow. Excellent transformation! I especially LOVE the stencil on the glass. It's so subtle, but adds so much to the piece. I also love all your dishes :)

  8. I love it! I love chunky furniture and this doesn't disappoint. Ten months...Ha!!...I have projects so old the cans of paint have coagulated! Awesome tranformation...as usual!

  9. Gorgeous! That's some serious redo-ing! It looks great!

  10. That is a serious re-do! I love the doors on the original, but I agree that they don't sound too functional. And I think your display looks lovely, because all of those pieces coordinate! We inherited a built-in hutch with our house that is missing the bottom drawers and doors and needs some serious TLC. Thanks for the inspiration. :)

  11. wow! what an amazing job! this piece looks like it could have cost several thousand dollars. and i LOVE the soft blue pattern on the back of the hutch, mixed with the darker blue dishes. it looks GORGEOUS!

  12. That is just stunning! It looks like a completely different piece of furniture. That took a lot of work and talent I'm sure!

  13. I love the drawer section you added! I just bought a piece that is really similar to this (my blog only has the before picture at the moment, sadly) and I think I'd like to do the same to mine. Thanks for the great idea!

  14. Is that wallpaper on the back or did you paint/stencil that? I just did one as well, wallpapered the back on this one:

  15. THANK YOU for sharing this redo - I've avoided looking at hutches with the gold stripes on the glass because it wasn't my thing, now that I know it comes off easily it will open up more options in my search for the perfect hutch!

    PS. I don't think you have too much stuff on display... looks perfect to me!

  16. You have a real eye for "repurposing" pieces. This is a perfect example :) Thanks for sharing!

    Visiting from Miss Mustand Seed's Linky Party Tonight, from NW Illinois.

    Smiles, Suzanne


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