25 July 2011

The (fingers crossed) Terrific Twos!

Okay, I said I was going to do it... and here I am, trying it out!

A little bit about us today.  Our oldest daughter Etta turned two on Friday.  It is making me all teary-eyed as I type... because 2 years ago, marked the end of 8 years of infertility, and I couldn't be more thankful to God for giving me these children, even when they are hard.  I think as a mother I have a lot to learn.  And I am excited to learn it, I just hope that my daughters will do okay while I am doing the learning.


(Yes, I still need to paint the outside of my door... but at least I painted the red orange trim to white!)

Etta's new thing is shutting her eyes on purpose when we go to take a picture... She is wearing my favorite boots I got online for under ten bucks by the way!

Anyway, enough of the mushy stuff.

What did we do for our two year old's birthday?  Nothing planned specifically... and bad mother that I am I haven't had a party (I know, I know, I am a blogger who doesn't throw over the top parties?  Who do I think I am!?!)... but I might have a few of her friends over in the next few weeks, nothing special, but something.

Our Fort Worth Zoo passes expired in May, but we decided to wait until the hot summer is over to renew.  And in the mean time we got a family pass to the Fort Worth Children's Museum.  (our friend Jenn from San Antonio was in town over the 4th and we got it then, as an early birthday gift for Etta, AND lets be honest, for Daddy too- because I think he might just still be a 5 year old at heart!)

(this is our new stroller that we bought for our trip, I LOVE it, it's so versatile.  
I bought it on Walmart's online site)

We had so much fun running, and I do mean RUNNING around all over the place.   (see that little blur, that is what she was like all over the place!)

What was Lydia doing?  Good BABY!

On the way out they have a fountain, so we had to have a quick second there.

After the museum we went home for a quick lunch and nap.  Then (here is another bad parent tip, for free) we went to Walmart and did our birthday present shopping with our daughters in tow- (we did this on her first birthday too).  But boy did we have fun, she doesn't really take ownership of everything yet.  She just likes to run from isle to isle and try out the scooters and pick up the toys, so we just follow her.

We wrapped up the trip to Walmart and stopped off a Dunkin Donuts(for the ..uh.. birthday cakes?) and Little Caesars (and now my diet is shot!).

And, in case you are wondering, no she didn't get two whole donuts.   But I started out by giving her a regular donut and when she saw the chocolate one I was eating, she immediately gave me back her first so she could have the other half of the chocolate one I was eating!

Next opening her presents.  I feel like we went a little overboard, but in my defense we bought a whole bunch of play kitchen items in November- (from Ikea, if you are looking, check them out!), to give to her at Christmas, but she wasn't quite old enough at the time to know what to do with them.  So, we saved them and gave them to her now- because she is pretending to cook and eat now... (CUTEST THING EVER!)

(and my family room just got 300% messier... in about 2 seconds flat!)

Also, we got her a play vacuum, because she is always trying to help me vacuum (I should soak this up while I can, I am sure it will only be about 6 months before she doesn't want to anymore- ever again)!, but we can only move the real thing about 2 inches when she is "helping".   Now she has her own and loves it, and I wish it really worked, because I would have the cleanest floors in the country.

(she is loving the glow in the dark stickers on her ceiling at bedtime!  
And I am really excited to try out the solar paper with her)

For the rest of the night we just pulled all the toys out and let her play until bed time (and shot about 15 minutes of video of Etta eating and playing with her new fake food!)

(And the other exciting news, Lydia is getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth.. so who knows how soon she will crawl she is only just over 5 months old so this is fast for us!)

What did you all do this weekend?


  1. that sounds like one awesome birthday - and 2 year olds don't need big parties - I think you gave her a special day. Tone

  2. your girls are so cute! sounds like the perfect day :) i agree with the above poster, a 2 year old probably appreciates a fun day with her mom, dad, and sister way better than one big party!

  3. We didn't do a big party for my son when he was little either. A special day like this is much more important. Besides, you can't have much more fun than a day at that museum. We've been there several times when my son was younger and he loved every minute. Your girls are beautiful even with eyes closed :) Thanks for sharing.

  4. Your babes are so very cute! Loving those stylin little boots too. Kids bring so much joys to our lives no matter how hard the trials and tribulations, and believe me, I have a teen now and a tween so I know! They grow up fast, you have been told that I am sure a thousand times. It's true though, so enjoy these most adorable precious times. My little guy still loves dunkin donuts since he is about two years old too. Oh and a very Happy Birthday to Etta! I also been meaning to tell you I love what you and Roeschell did with your design room. It rocked, and it was my fav!

  5. Adorable little ones! Happy birthday, Etta! I also have two little girls :)

    Your door is beautiful btw.

    Double strollers are wonderful! I was trying to describe to my husband how much mine means to me and the best way I could translate for him was to say that it is like the joy and independence you get from your first set of wheels :)

  6. Happy birthday to your little miracle! God is so good! And I happen to adore childrens' museums--still--and I'm 25. The play supermarkets get me every time. :P Looks like you had a great weekend! :)

  7. Adorable! I didn't do big parties for the kids when they were young either. They don't really have friends per se at that age. Looks like it was the perfect day. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Happy Birthday to your sweet blessing! I am so happy for you.. We too had fertility issues and years and years of nothing..Now we have three great kids and I cherish it daily! Don't worry about the terrible two's..lol.. I think it is more like the terrible three's..That is when they can talk better and voice more of an "opinion" lol.. Enjoy your babies.. My youngest will be 10 next month and I don't know where the time has went! Great post too, thanks for sharing with us all.

  9. It was a birthday weekend for us, too! Child no. 5 turned 6. No big party, but a fun and special day--those are the best, as far as this mother is concerned!

  10. Your girls are so precious. Love Etta's boots! Looks like she had a great birthday! Happy birthday, sweet girl!

  11. Great birthday day. I think that makes sense. My daughter's class did a field trip this past school year to the Children's Museum. She's been begging to go back. I guess we'll have to put that on the To Do List.

  12. Sounds like she had a great birthday. We love the FW Museum of Science & History. My kids are big fans of the outdoor part with all the water toys!

  13. OMG... your kids are so beautiful. A very Happy Birthday to Etta!! That video is adorable... Etta's gonna cherish it always.

  14. What a wonderful blog you have! And precious children!!
    Happy 2nd Birthday!

  15. Sweetness...happy birthday to your adorable little sweetheart. Sounds like a perfect day.

  16. I'm glad to know we're not the only ones that don't pay hundreds of dollars for a kid's birthday party! And as far as I can tell, she had a GREAT birthday! Isn't the FTW zoo and museum great? We have passes to both, too. Although in this heat, we haven't been to the zoo in awhile ;)

  17. I just had my mom and stepdad over for my daughter's 2nd. I had huge parties for 1,3,4,5,6,7,8 was Libby Lu, 9 and just friends for 10. After that the parties were just a bunch of freinds watching movies and goofing off. The 3 and 4 had to be big because I had my aunt here from Sweden when she was 3 and it was our 4 and 40 party for that year. This year she turns 14 and I turn 50. Time flies when you're having fun. lol Enjoy them while they are young. I'm sure it's a lot of work cause they are so close in age, but they will be the best of friends and never bored. :)


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