19 May 2011

Wall Mount Your Flat Screen TV for Under $15 Dollars

Wall Mount Your Flat Screen TV for Under $15 Dollars 

Hi Remodolaholic readers! I am super excited to be guest posting today. I blog over at Imperfectly Polished where I share my ideas on home decor, crafts, recipes, and give money-saving tips through my Financial Freedom Fridays series.

My husband Mike and I are big Dave Ramsey followers {aka we are super cheap} so all my projects are done on a tight budget. Here are a few of my favorite projects:

Reclaimed Wood Mirror Frame (free!)
Sectional Slipcover (new couch for $100!)
Built-in Desk made from a used door ($33 inlcuding the new stool!)

I'm here today to share another great money-saving project with you.

Mike {with the help of his dad} came up with this great DIY TV Wall Mount. Buying a flat screen is expensive enough. Getting a wall mount to hang it up just ups the price even more. We came up with a clever solution to not have to fork over the cash, but still get it hung and pretty.

  • drill
  • angle iron
  • sturdy hooks that can screw into the wall
  • tv:)
Step 1: Measure where you want to hang the tv on the wall. Find studs in that area and predrill your holes {you will want to make sure that the holes you drill will align with two holes in your angle iron}. Insert your hooks into the wall. Tip-know how much your tv weighs and buy hooks that are strong enough to hold it {our hooks hold 60 pounds each and our tv only weighs 55 so they are plenty strong}.

Step 2:

Attach angle iron to the back of the tv. Our tv already had screws on the back ready to mount but they were not long enough. Mike had to go to the hardware store to get some that would fit our holes and be the right length. He attached washers as well.

Step 3: Hang and enjoy!

It was difficult to get a picture of the hooks and how it hangs into the wall so here is my poorly drawn version of where the hooks go:)

And you have a perfectly mounted tv for your viewing pleasure:)

Total cost for the wall mount: $14! I hope you found this tutorial helpful. I would love to hear if anyone tries it! Come visit me at Imperfectly Polished for lots more cheapo ideas:)


  1. Awesome way to mount a TV. But I just had to say I cannot believe that desk was made from a used door. It looks extremely professional and chic. You are definitely an extremely talented family!

  2. No excuses for not doing it for ourselves, if I'm not sure on how to do something...I know where to look. <3


  3. Now that is an awesome idea!!! Totally showing this to my husband. I really want to mount our flat screen. Thanks for sharing!!!

  4. Now that's a money saver! Thanks for the tip! We're considering the mounting option!

  5. Nice result! I hate to be a downer, though, but you could have bought a tilting wall mount from Monoprice for $12 + shipping. I have the linked one, and it's just as strong/beefy as the expensive branded ones.

  6. I always visit your blog but never comment, but this time I can not go unchallenged is all wonderful, all posts are beautiful, creative, inspire me leave my love here, and say that you follow a long time, but it was difficult I communicate therefore I do not speak English very well, but with the help of the children will all too well lol.
    Kisses for you and your family ... Cris from Brazil

  7. Honestly this is a great idea, however unless you are screwing your hooks into actual beams inside the wall, I don't think this looks very safe. You probably should have used some kind of screw mount as drywall doesn't tend to hold up well when something like this is putting tension on it. Just an observation though. My dad is a contractor and would never let me hang a TV this way for safety reasons.

  8. Hi Heather! The hooks are screwed into the wall studs so they are very safe. I agree, drywall is not enough:) Thanks for checking!


  9. Awesome =) that's a super smart way to hang a TV for sure. I might have to convince my husband to try it out (he's been chomping at the bit to hang ours lol).

  10. OK just saw where you mentioned drilling into the studs in the wall lol. Either I am blind or my mommy brain is mush. I am gonna go with the latter.


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