27 May 2011

Jewelry Box Alternatives

I have been needing to organize Etta's bows and hair clips, and my jewelry.  So I went on a Google search.  Here are some of the things I found... as inspiration.  Sorry that I don't have sources for all of them.  I will try to show you what I came up with for Etta's bows soon.  I am still considering the jewelry thing for myself!



  1. Oh, so many beautiful ideas! I obviously need more jewelry! ;-)

  2. I am LITERALLY right in the middle of trying to solve a serious problem with my jewelry. Just got back from Target with a couple of sets of little drawer units. Hitting craft store for felt tomorrow morning. Got hooks for the necklaces. Thanks for the inspiration. :)

  3. I love these! I had the same issue... I recently moved and out master bathroom has a LOT less storage, so I had to find a better place for all my hair things (blow dryer, bobby pins, clippies, etc) and I came up with an idea I love using an old wall candle holder (that held 8 votives in glass jars) that had 4 of the glass things missing. Looking at the hole, I realized it was big enough for the nozzle of my blow dryer... and that the remaining glass cups were perfect for small items like ties and bobby pins... it turned out awesome. Maybe I'll post a blog with some pictures so you can see it all together :))

  4. Cool ideas! I did the French Memo Board thing for my collection of vintage rhinestone brooches but my collection has outgrown it. Looking for new ideas. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Great ideas! I have never seen anyone use a rake head to hang necklaces!

  6. I love the picture frame with the rick rack - so cute. We just have one of those cutesy signs about being a princess with ribbon hanging from it, and it's already full of hairbows. Yet I feel the need to make more - :)

  7. They are ll so pretty! Lovly jewellery storage*smile*

    ..i myself have come up with the idea to screw scrues into the wall, then glue decorative buttons on the tip...I use them for hanging jewellery on..uou can see it on my blog if you want to*smile*

    ...curious; what did you end up with?

    Whis for great weekend for you and yours*smile*

    Best whishes!


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