30 May 2011

I NEED Some Roman Shades

Hey Ya'll

I hope you are having a great Memorial Day, and that you take a few minutes to remember those brave men and women who have given their lives for our freedoms.  Thank you.

On a totally unrelated and less important matter, I have been thinking about roman shades which means I had to do a Google search cuz that is how I roll... (seriously Google should be paying me for all my plugs of their search engines... Are you listening Google?- crickets churp- guess not!)

Anyway, I have 2" white faux wood blinds throughout my house.  They were installed by the previous owners.  I am glad they all match, and I used to dream of having them throughout my house, but now my tastes have changed a bit, but let's be practical.  I am not going to trash them cuz, that is just wasteful.  But I do want to cover them up at least with some roman shades.

It is fun to dress up windows... who doesn't love fabric?  Well if you don't I sure do.  So, I have been looking for images of windows that I like.  Thought I would share them with you.

What are your favorites?

I like this sheer option, cuz I LURVE light, but I also like privacy.
Although this may not be enough privacy - 
and you may see the blinds too much that I plan on keeping under the "valance" that the romans make.

Okay, here is the natural shade option, which I love, but I couldn't make this one, so that is a minus...
but, but, oh it just looks so good...  (I wish the kitchen came with the blinds...)

I like the graphic nature of the stripes.  I made some like this in my room during high school.
They still look good... 

I love the linen look of this fabric.

Another bamboo shade... they are just so HOT...

I have always loved the simple detail that the ribbon brings to these blinds...
and another one or two versions...

I plan on pairing them with panels on the side, I already have the panels... now I just need about 4 more hours of nap time a day so that I can accomplish some of these 30,000 plans I have... sigh... someday!

What looks do you like best?
Do you have any inspiring links to show me?

  If you read the recent feature about stenciling drapes here
I am really thinking that might be the way that I go, only with my romans...
What are your thoughts?

Remodelaholic is written by Cassity and Justin.  Cassity has a degree in interior design and Justin is a landscape architect, so we adore everything that makes up a HOME!  We love to share home remodeling ideas and projects we’re working on. From huge kitchen renovation ideas to small bathroom remodels, there isn’t anything we won’t try to tackle (at least once!).  We  are in the midst of our third whole home renovation, so there should be a lot more inspiration coming your way.  We hope that you will stop by often for home design inspiration, tutorials, interior design tips, delicious recipes and what is going on in our family life.


  1. I think that I like the ones with the ribbon. I too need something on my windows. I have plantation blinds and NO curtains or anything "pretty" and I need some! Can't wait to see some good ideas! :)

  2. oh I forgot to say that I do really love the stenciling option too!

  3. I can't choose one, they all look fantastic for the decorating style. But if you had a gun to my head, I would choose the bamboo roman blind.

    Now I will get off the superficial and have a moment to remember the brave men and women.


  4. I am so in love with roman shades. Relaxed, tailored, you name it. I even have fabric. My first try at making them was a disaster, but I am hopeful. Do share what you come up with.

  5. With all your "googling" you should look into swagbucks where they DO pay you to do searches :) I love roman shades - I have them in many rooms in our house. I see on Pinterest that you are busy dreaming, like all of us :) Have a wonderful day!

    Becky B.
    Organizing Made Fun

  6. If you are going to pull the faux wood blinds all the way up, and you make the roman shades so that they have that little flap of material that comes down over the front, you could make said flap long enough to ensure that it covers the pulled-up blind even if you use a rather sheer material. In fact you could use an interface on that section if need be. That way you have the sheer option when desired but will be able to put the blinds down if you need privacy.

  7. I like the black and white striped ones and the thatched ones in the kitchen picture.


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