15 May 2011

Cafe Rio Shredded Beef Tacos and Recipe Link Up

Justin and I recently went to the Fort Worth Arts Festival (or something like that, I can't remember the actual name) and walked around looking at lovely art and smelling the very tempting naughty foods that are available at street festivals.  

In the end we settled on some brisket tacos.  They were to DIE for people.  SO delicious, all I could think about for days was needing another brisket taco.  My life literally depended on finding a recipe for them.  So my quest began.  Quests are so much easier with the Internet around.  In less than 10 minutes I found this recipe, see the delicious picture below:

Anyway, I knew I had to try it, but as always I made changes.   I used what I had... It is just how I work, but when I was done it was the perfect Cafe Rio Shredded beef- Surprise!   That happens to be one of my favorite things on the planet too- so while it wasn't exactly Brisket tacos it fit the bill.  Especially since we don't have a Cafe Rio anywhere nearby, you better believe I will be making this as often as I can!

OH!! And on the weight loss front, I worked out 5 times this week and ate so well!  And I am officially out of the 180's!  179 to be exact.  I am really working my fanny off (quite literally!)  And I am finally feeling more committed- truly!  (...uh... forgive the use of bacon grease in the following recipe!! )

On to the recipe!

Brisket tacos-
Yield: 4-6 servings

2 lbs eye of round cut into 1 1/2 -2 inch slices

Salt and black pepper to taste

1 tablespoon  bacon grease
1 large yellow onion, cut into quarters
8 cloves garlic
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
2 cups chicken broth
1 teaspoon ground cumin

1 cup Herdez Salsa Verde

1 Tbsp dried cilantro

For the tacos:
1 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese (4 ounces)
flour tortillas
Salsa Verde


To your crock pot add Chicken Broth, Salsa Verde, Cumin and dried cilantro (you could use fresh if you have it).  Stir, turn on to high.

Cut beef into 11 1/2 inch slices.  Sprinkle the beef with salt and black pepper. In a large cast iron pan,  heat up the grease on medium, and brown the brisket on both sides, about 5 minutes per side.

Remove the brisket and add it to the crock pot.  In your pan add the onions . While occasionally stirring, cook until they begin to brown. Add the garlic cloves and cook for another 2 minutes. Turn off the heat and pour into the pot the red wine vinegar, scraping along the bottom to loosen all of the pan drippings.

Pour the cooked onions and drippings into the crock pot, stir a little.  Cover with lid and cook until fall apart tender. 6-8 hours.

To make the tacos, place on one side of each tortilla some Monterey Jack and slide the tortillas under the broiler for 30 seconds or until the cheese is melted. Fill the tortillas with shredded brisket and top with some of the juice from the crock pot or more salsa verde and any other toppings of your choice.  (sour cream, sauted onions, bell peppers and fresh tomatoes might be nice!)

Party Rules:
Please grab a button for your linked blog post 
Please become a public follower of Remodelaholic!


** ALSO - I would be really thankful if when you try a recipe, you’d please link to my post for the recipe.  That way people can find and join our party, and we will all benefit from some extra traffic love!   If the recipe is a guest feature, please link to the original author's blog post that is hyper linked at the top of the page!

Thank you!


  1. Oh that sounds so yummy - and I have those ingredients too, thanks!

  2. Can't wait to try this one! I gonna have to go with olive oil instead of bacon fat, though. I haven't have bacon fat in the house in years! Hope it is close enough.

  3. Yum! We love any kind of Mexican food! Congrats of the weight lose!

  4. Yummy!!!! These sound and look really really good. I have gotten some very good recipes from you..thanks! I am copying this one down too:)

  5. There isn't a cafe rio near fort worth . . . but there is a Costa Vida in Colleyville. It was my tender mercy when we moved to Texas thousands of miles away from family and friends.

    If I remember the story right, there was a fight with Cafe Rio and their chefs. The chefs took off and started their own restaurant named Costa Vida. The recipes are almost identical.

    Ohhh, how I could go for a smothered sweet pork burrito right now!

  6. Hi Cassity!
    I rarely cook, my husband enjoys doing it. But these thumbnails and your post have my mouth watering! ;) I might have to pick a few and surprise him once in a while!
    Have a great week!


  7. Hey girl, thanks for hosting. Your salsa verde tacos look delicious, and all those other recipes linked up, yummy!!!

    I linked up a chicken curry, hope you can come over to see how I make the EASIEST chicken curry ever, using rotisserie chicken, and enter to win your own MAGIC Chicken Curry Mix.

    Hugs, Bella :)


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