25 May 2011

Beautiful Kitchen Renovation Reveal!

Beautiful Kitchen Renovation Reveal!  By Sarah

Hi y'all, I'm Sarah.  You can check me out over at LaLaLand.  My blog is basically a chronicle of all the things I make ask my husband to help me fix, repair, or remodel around our home.  He is super handy and I am easily bored, so things are always changing over here. We like to DIY everything.  Its cheaper, and gives us a nice little sense of accomplishment.

Cassity recently asked me to do a guest post on our kitchen makeover.  

When we moved in our kitchen was blah, for lack of a better word.  Our appliances were old, the cabinets were dingy, and the floor was horrendous.  

First things first - new appliances.  It was our biggest cost, but it was much needed as you can see from the pictures above. We saved some loot by installing all of the appliances on our own
The next project we tackled were those awful white tile floors.  My husand works for a hardwood floor company over the summers, so he was able to get a bunch of leftover pieces of wood from their warehouse, and he installed it all himself.  We were iffy about using 4 different types of wood on the floors, but it turned out fabulous,and it blended well with the existing 60 year old hardwood floors throughout the rest of our house.  Plus it was free!

Our counters and cabinets had decent bone structure so we decided to work with what we had in that department.  We removed all the cabinet doors and sanded the heck out of them. Then primed and repainted them.  I decided during this phase to leave the doors off and go with an open cabinet concept.  I think it makes the kitchen look bigger.  

Some other small things we added throughout this process -
- Beadboard backsplash
- Metal tile behind the stove (faux)
- New knobs on the cabinets
- Crown molding
- Paint (Behr Ashes)

It was a long work in progress, but in the end it turned out great.  

I want to thank Remodelaholic for having me today. 
You can check out more of our home renovations and makeovers over at LaLaLand.


  1. Stunning remodel, and the cabinets look brand spanking new! Wonderful way to refinish them, and leaving off the doors on the top ones definitely does add a look of roominess to the space!

  2. Wow - it looks fabulous...and I'm so glad you quoted the name of the paint - I love that color. We are moving into a new "old" house in July and I am making note of this for some of our repainting!! Great job!

  3. So pretty. Love the wall color with the stainless.

  4. simply gorgeous, were doing our kitchen right now in those same colors


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