29 May 2011

Artichoke Baked Fish Fillets and Recipe Link Up party

Special Appetizer Link Up Next Sunday June 5th 
sponsored by Chili's - Shout Out to Eat Out!

 To help spread the word about Chili's Triple Dipper (which is awesome by the way!! :) 

Next week's recipe linky will be all about appetizers- so this week prepare your favorite appetizer and write up the post so you can link it up next week!!!  At the end of the June 5th Linky 
5 winners to be selected to receive a $20 Chili's gift card each.
Hope that sounds exciting!  Help me get the word out so we have a ton of people come by and join in!


I have been trying to incorporate fish into our menus more often.  With that goal in mind,  I have been looking for good baked fish recipes, cuz it would probably defeat the purpose to fry it, right?  Anyway, I found a recipe online a while ago, and while I was making it I realized that it just needed a little tweak- in the form of artichokes...  So I threw some in, knowing it would either be yucky or fabulous!   Guess what, it worked out perfectly!!  My husband, daughter and I loved it!

Best part it really only takes about 5 minutes to put together and 15 minutes tops to bake. (Dinner in 20 minutes?  Not bad! This is half of the reason I love fish so much, it is just SO quick!)

Artichoke Baked Fish Fillets

4 (6 ounce) flounder fillets (each fillet should weigh 6-oz.)
1/3 cup grated parmesan cheese
1/4 cup low-fat mayonnaise
2 tablespoons minced green onions
1 jar marinated artichoke hearts, drained and chopped
1/4 cup dry breadcrumbs
1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper

1 Lay fish out in a baking sheet that has been coated with cooking spray.
2 In a bowl, mix together the cheese, mayonnaise, onions and artichoke hearts; spread mixture evenly over fish.
3. Sprinkle with oregano, salt and pepper, then breadcrumbs
5 Bake in a 400° oven for 12 minutes or until fish flakes easily.

What have you been cookin'?

Party Rules:
Please grab a button for your linked blog post 
Please become a public follower of Remodelaholic!

** ALSO - I would be really thankful if when you try a recipe, you’d please link to my post for the recipe.  That way people can find and join our party, and we will all benefit from some extra traffic love!   If the recipe is a guest feature, please link to the original author's blog post that is hyper linked at the top of the page!

Thank you!


  1. Thanks so much for hosting! I've linked up my Goat Cheese Stuffed Chicken with Green Chile Cilantro Sauce today. Hope you are enjoying a wonderful weekend! Candace

  2. The fish looks yummy! I just had that appetizer last night at Chilis - it WAS awesome.

  3. Wow what a festive line up making my mouth water

  4. So glad to hear you are looking to eat more seafood. I blog about all the seafood I eat to try and show people what a fish-rich diet looks like in real life. Hope you find some useful, easy ideas... www.blogaboutseafood.com.


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