11 October 2010

Opinions Needed! Please Help!

Needed: some constructive opinions 
and help, please read!!

Hey Everyone-

Guess what!- this is the actual author of this blog.  Cassity, AKA Remodelaholic, AKA the missing blogger... I know amazing right?  You haven't heard from me, besides intros to posts for about 20 weeks.  I apologize for this, my morning sickness is extraordinarily LONG!  - But I can see the light, and something besides the porcelain throne in my bathroom, so things are looking up for me.   (BTW we are having another girl- yea for sisters!!)

As I am finally getting back to normal - we have been working S.L.O.W.L.Y. on some projects and I would like to share them with you, BUT I am extremely short on time.  So, I have been doing some thinking about ways to save time, and I would like your opinions:

1. First, instead of typing out intros to featured posts, I am considering simply writing the title of the project and who the blog post is by with a link (like I have been doing on my craft blog seen here or in the example below).  This has saved me a huge amount of time on my other blog and allowed me to show off more projects and I think that is what I am going to start doing here.  What do you think? 

Brand New Living Room Design

Hopefully, and I have to say that tentatively because I have a 14 month old that needs a lot of love and attention this means that I can take some of the time that was writing intros (21 times a week mind you!) and write a post about what we are up to.

2. Weekends-  I have played with this idea off and on and just haven't been able to give them up and still don't want to make promises as to yea or nay.  So here is my compromise:   When it comes to weekend posts, we will continue to have the weekend link parties for you to glean inspiration an share what you have been working on the basic schedule :
  • Friday morning 7:00 AM CST- Remodelaholic's Anonymous  (still planning on 2 other feature posts this day, fyi)
  • Saturday morning 7:00 AM CST - For Sale by Owner, your chance to show off what you are selling on your blog, or Etsy shop, furniture you've refinished.  This is for HOME BASED businesses that are family friendly.
  • Sunday morning 7:00 AM CST: Recipe link Party; I will share a recipe and you can show me what you've been cooking up.
As far as other features (on Saturday or Sunday), I am not going to promise that there are any.  If I have the time, great, if not, please feel free to look through archives and or click around on all the lovely links from the parties.  These two days will be interactive for you and a rest for me.  Would that work?

3.  I have received a few emails recently about the blog page loading slowly.  I don't seem to have a problem at my house or at my husbands work, so I didn't know.  But this means we need to do some blog design cleanup, which I can tell you for this semi html-illiterate blogger takes some time.  But I want to you know that we are going to be addressing this as soon as we can.  ...please bear with us.

4.  Truth be told, lately for obvious (illness) reasons I have been less of a Remodelaholic and more of a momaholic, just doing what I have to to survive a toddler and morning sickness.  I am BARELY getting the hang of getting the dishes done with a fully mobile child standing in the dishwasher "helping"...really how do mothers with several children do it all???

...but this hasn't kept me from dreaming up great plans for our house.  The fact is, a lot of these awesome plans stay just that plans - in quick sketch form on my graph paper.  BUT the plans are interesting.  I do sketches, sometimes several versions and they look kinda cool and I was wondering if that would be interesting for you guys to see?   With the caveat that most of these plans will never see the lumber store.

I thought that maybe I  can explain the process a bit and the goals for the project and that would be that.  If it comes to life and we actually follow through with one, then I will go into more detail of course.  So the question is
Would you like these kinds of posts?

5. Also, I have a passion for space planning, hence the unused plans and sketches I am always drawing... But I would love to show off some of the ideas we have come up with while shopping for houses or helping family out with floor plan options and quick changes.  Unfortunately- I can't do yours.  But you might get some inspiration for what could possibly happen.   Would you like to see some Space Planning Posts?

Okay, that is all I really have on my mind at the moment.  Please consider giving me some constructive feedback to some or all of the questions I have asked.  And hopefully I can get going on them asap, although I still think it may only get to be one post per week by moi... but at least I might be  little more involved right?

OH YEA! wait...

So, it seems that we have moved into the crafting season.  People are settling into home and feathering their nests not so much remodeling them which means:

I REALLY need some Projects Submissions  

In the subjects of:
Before and After
Decorating (the whole room type)
Building Tutorials
Furniture Remakes or Redos
Up-cycle building projects

Please try to keep the subject as Remodelaholic friendly, if I feel it is more craft blog friendly and would like to feature it there I will let you know.   Also I need more than just one before and after picture, they need to be clear and hopefully explanatory.  So, email me links please, the more projects you link the more likely I will be able to share one.  (remove spaces but here is the email)

remodelaholic @ gmail . com


  1. So many of us have been right where you are and completely understand. I am amazed that you are getting anything done! I say go ahead and change the way you introduce a post. I love the guest posts and, while the intros are nice, I think I'd love them just as much without. I know I'm not much hep, but all of the topics you mentioned are wonderful. I'd love to read about all of them. You enjoy your 14 month old before she becomes a big sister. This is a sweet time in your life. Love, Lisa~

  2. 1- Sounds great! If it saves you time, it still does the trick...it would be fine!

    2- The weekend schedule looks great. I usually only get to put posts up on weekends, so weekend linky parties are perfect!

    3- The page loads like any other blogs for me - fine!

    4- I think this would be something interesting and different to do every once in a while!

    5- LOVE space planning! Really helps in a smaller house/apartment! :)

    6- THANKS for all you do! Spend time with your family, and try to get some rest while one of your baby girls is inside of you! :)

  3. 1. Sounds good.
    2. Ditto.
    3. Yup.
    4. Yes, I think that would be fun.
    5. And that as well.

    Thank you for sharing all you do here -- I love all the inspiration I find. That said, you don't get to "redo" time with your kids, so they come first.

    I'm excited to share my family room redo, just need to get it posted -- unfortunately life keeps getting in the way. :-)

  4. No problem about the intros!!! If it saves you time, go for it, girl! We understand and we still get to see great features.
    Love the weekend schedule!
    I really like the idea about your sketches and space planning. I love that kind of stuff. I am always looking for new ideas, so whether they are made of paper or wood, hey--it's still inspiration to me! :)
    Emailing you some posts--hope they help with your need for "remodeling" posts. :)

  5. 1. Sounds good
    2. Works for me
    3. The page loads fine for me on both of the computers I use
    4. I would be interested to see/hear about ideas even if they never materialize into an actual project. I think people could still draw inspiration and possibly even provide feedback on a similar project they've tried in the past, making it a win-win for everyone.

  6. I think all of those options sound fine with me! I love the things you show us, and am so thankful for the time you take to look for things to feature. I also would love to see some of your sketches and space planning - I always appreciate help and ideas in those area's. I so understand that your time is needed for your little family right now - whatever you want to post I will read and appreciate - and I will continue to link up whenever you do your parties!

  7. i think the new format would work just fine- get some rest, will ya? you need it before the baby comes!
    i am always happy to contribute any before or afters and have started a new how-to series. i love this blog because i love all the ideas you share and blogs you share that i might not otherwise find. thanks, cassity- take care of you and your family first please.

  8. Cassity, I'm happy to look at and read whatever you put in front of me so do what works for you! Your blog loads just fine for me too. I hope you get feeling better soon! :-) Sandra

  9. Cassity, Congrads on being pregnant! I didn't know you were. If you announced that already, I missed it! That is so exciting for your family! Your kids will be best friends growing up (hopefully). My kids are 2 years apart and it is so much fun. They play together so well. You started a craft blog? Cool. I'll have to check it out!

  10. Cassity, I love your blog and that will not change if you implement all of your ideas! Being a mommy is the most important job you have right now and whatever you need to do to save a little time for them and for yourself is A-ok with me!! I promise to continue stalking your blog no matter how you posts!


  11. Yes to sketches and space planning... I love stuff like that! Please share!

  12. I think it would be great for you to make these changes to have time for your family. And honestly, I would be fine if you didn't have as many posts in a day. One or two a day would be fine with me. Sometimes it's hard to keep up and I don't have the time to read them all.

    I also think that the sketch and space planning ideas would be great. But are you SURE you don't want to do my space? :)

  13. I have no problem with putting intros in the post title.

    As for your dishwasher question, you get the kids to do it! Or just let them unload the silverware into the drawer (you'll probably have to sort it out later). I get cranky at this point if I have to unload the dishwasher since it's always one of the kids' jobs.

    I also have one about your little one's age and they love to "help." Try giving her a towel or something and ask her to "wash" the floor or cupboard while you unload. She might be distracted for a minute or so :).

    I always love to hear about other people's adventures in parenthood. I'm sympathizing strongly with you about the morning sickness. I've been sick throughout all of my pregnancies and you do just go into survival mode. At least your computer work is sitting down!

  14. #1. I think the new format is great. Actually, I sometimes had a hard time deciding when it was you and when it switched over!

    #2. Sounds great to me!

    #3. Thank you! It's been a bit annoying, but hasn't stopped me from coming!

    #4 and 5. I think they'd be fun to see!

    #Oh Yea: I've got a whole room redo that I want to send to you . . . Once I finally get it done! Hopefully I'll be able to pick up the new matress in the next week or so, and then I'll snap some pictures and send it in!

  15. If it's easier on you, you could even include some of the Mommy stuff on here. For example, maybe you decorate differently now that your tot is up walking around.

    And yes, space planning ideas would be great! I'm always intrigued by how people handle awkward rooms.

    As for the weekend stuff, I never do new content on the weekend for my blog and I don't expect other bloggers to, either. I think doing a scheduled link party is more than enough for a busy mom!

  16. Cassity, this is YOUR SITE...you do what's good for you. I love visiting, and checking out the link parties, so I'm coming back, no matter how you want to spend your time here. Those that can't handle you living your life...well...bye!
    You take care of yourself and those babies.

  17. The changes sound great. I say do what is right for you and your family. You've got a huge back up of archives that we can browse through too. You could even repost one of those occasionally like a "Blast from the Past."

    I have a room remodel I will send you the link for that I just finished.

  18. Cassity, I'm with you on your suggestions, just take care of you and your family first and don't pressure yourself with the blog. I have to remind myself of this too, because it's supposed to be fun and a creative outlet- not an additional stressor in your life:) Congratulations on another sweet baby GIRL:) !!!

  19. I enjoy reading anything you have the time to blog about. Remember it is YOUR blog, and not a job, so just put you and your family first and do the blog for fun. I like your idea of showing us your sketches and space planning. I don't find the blog slow to load, but I have high speed connection. Thanks for all that you do!


I love comments! Thanks for taking your time to tell me what you think! I read them all and enjoy your enthusiasm for the work shown here!

Please remember that people have worked hard on these projects. Each person's budget and goals are different, so please try to make kind, constructive comments. Remember if it isn't nice, please don't say anything at all.

Please no business links. Remodelaholic reserves the right to remove any comment that we feel is malicious, spammy or otherwise inappropriate. Thanks.

Sorry there is no longer the option for anonymous comments, unfortunately people have been abusing that option!