22 August 2010

Quatrefoil Furniture Refinish; Guest

This craigslist find is awesome and what Emily and Mini House did to freshen it up is amazing.  Check out how good it looks when she is finished!

It's no secret, I love Craigslist.  I get a thrill of finding a great deal and my next project. I don't exactly what I was looking for when I stumbled upon my latest project and truth to be told when I first saw it, it wasn't love at first sight.

This was the posting from Craigslist

However something caught my eye - do you see it?  It's been popping up in a lot designs recently... It's the design on the doors and after a little research I found out that it's called "quatrefoil." So here's a sampling of where you may have seen it or can find it in more accessories.

I stole this little quatrefoil collection from here.

Then I dug a little more and found that Ballard Designs is LOVING quatrefoil.
Mirror mirror on the wall.
On your headboard. Maybe it acts as a dreamcatcher...

More mirror action.

Ok you get my point.  I contacted the seller and found out that she had recently moved out of Denver and this little treasure was up in Lochbouie, Colorado. Pronounced "Lock-boo-eee" Excuse me, where?!

Nick is my Craigslist sidekick and a necessity for all Craigslist-ing. He always agrees to drive, load and pay to ensure I don't get kidnapped, robbed or hoodwinked. So on sort of dreary Friday afternoon, we loaded up in the Subi and made the trek to Lochbouie.
I didn't tackle this project until post move which gave me sometime to get inspired. I saw this image (not sure where) and saved it as my inspiration. 

Everything about this set-up is lovely.

Based on my previous post, I had a pair of great chairs so why not give them a great little table to complete a corner of DIY-goodness!

I had to find a paint color to accent the quatrefoil and scored two little jars on sale at our local True Value. Oh clearance, how I love to see you.

French Blue vs. Mist to complement my chair fabric

Here's how it went down. Sand, prime, paint and poly. Yep, it's becoming a very familiar set of steps for me, like a daily routine.
Ready to go (sans doors)
The top is actually a marble-like slab which I love.
Mist won! 
Isn't she sweet?
DIY Delights

What do you think? Have you purchased anything quatrefoil or even better - are you Craigslist Crazy like me?  I'd love to hear!

Start off your week with a good 5 or 55 minutes of Craiglist perusing. You never know what you may find. 
Enjoy your week! 


  1. I love that cabinet, but I really love those colors you chose! That mist is gorgeous, what brand is it?

  2. Seriously inspiring! I love the corner you placed all of it in too. Very light and beautiful!

  3. I'm a huge craigslist fan. I love DIY-ing things and making them more "me". The sad part is, before I got into all these we bought brand new furniture off the showroom floor, and now I like my estate/garage sale and craigslist's finds much better. My favorite part of craigslist is the FREE section. so many treasures to be uncovered!

  4. I just love this! Such great lines on that piece. The color is perfect.

  5. wow! i would have passed on that piece if i saw it on craigslist but emily has a good eye for design. amazing transformation!

    judi ;)

  6. Cute. Love the paint choice--mist all the way!!!

  7. Thanks everyone for your sweet comments!! Anne - the paint is the True Value Hardware brand. The day I went in our local store just happened to have a bunch of these sample jars on clearance!

  8. Looks beautiful... and extremely expensive! I am not much on CraigsList, as there are quite a few scams going on CraigsList right now in our area, but I love estate sales and thrift stores for this very same reason. You did a great job picking the colors!


  9. Wow! You really brought out the details on this piece and what a wonderful job you did! Great idea!
    Thanks for sharing!

  10. Just bouncing around your blog and stumbled on this fantastic piece! Nicely done. Like you, I love craigslist. Every morning I check it out hoping to finding something unusual and of course cheap!

  11. what a FIND!!!!! wow. great job. xoxo shelli


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