12 August 2010

Chicken Crate: Guest

Suzanne at Meridian Road  has a great reuse project I waned to feature. It's an old chicken crate used as a coffee table.  

 I finally moved my chicken crate into the house.
This is where it sits.

I didn't paint it.
Or put a glass top on it.
I thought that might be a little like 
"gilding the lily".
Or trying to "make a silk purse from a sow's ear."
Pick your metaphor.


I'm not implying that I don't love my chicken crate.
I do love my chicken crate.
It's just that it is what it is.

 A crate once used to haul poultry.
(And that has been left out in the weather for a little too long.)
I did put casters on it.

Doesn't it look old?

You'll laugh when I show you where I got them.

I took them off this old travel bag.
The zipper was broken, and there was paint on the handle. 
(That could have been my fault. I have been known for a few incidences of indiscriminate paint spreading.)

They were fastened to the suitcase with these little brads. I bent their tops and pulled them out.
(OK, I bent the top on one and pulled it out. The rest proved to be, well, really HARD. My husband did the other 3)
Then I painted them all with this.

I think it does a pretty convincing job.

Then I just used some small screws and fastened them in place. 
(I did do that part myself.)
They make it easier to move the crate when we sweep the floor.
Which we do, on occasion.

I think it makes a fine coffee table.
And you can't beat the fact that it was 

That old chicken crate looks very nice there, doesn't it?


  1. I want an old chicken crate now too! Looks so great!

  2. This is beatiful! I never would have thought to use this as a coffee table...it's brilliant! Nice work :)

  3. It looks like it came from Pottery Barn!
    Watch out, they might steal that idea, lol!

  4. Love it!! I think I have one of those in the barn out back...I'm gonna have to go look now :)

  5. I love the rusticity of it. The vignette looks great.

  6. This is really nice. I made a coffee table out of lobster cages - a very similar concept!

  7. Good call, It didn't need a thing to enhance it! and great tip on the wheels, those things aren't cheap.

  8. I am soo in love with this idea!!!!
    What an wonderful concept!!!

  9. totally cute! I think I might be more obsessed with her huge burlap pillow on her white sofa though. hehe :)

  10. it looks cute in the picture... chickens tho, for the most part are dirty, smelly creatures.. they might taste good and their image is the embodiment of all things country.. but.. ewww...I would like a table that merely looks like a chicken crate but was never really used for chickens.. points for creativity tho.. it's a conversation piece .and the price was definitely right.:) ..


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